The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 15

Hi! I'm back from Frogland (sorry if you're French). But I can tell you one thing, being in another country for three weeks really makes you miss England! Gah, I love it here!

Her eyes were still wide in fear by the time Gerard's voice finally got through to her. She sat there, almost in tears over the initial shock of it all and Gerard could sense this.

He scrambled off of the bed and sat besides her. He didn’t dare touch her as he knew what she was like – he knew what she was like with any form of contact; mental or physical – and Gerard didn’t want to push her out of her comfort zone.

“Are you okay?” He asked for what seemed like the one-thousandth time. It was a question that was never stressed enough. He knew she wasn’t okay. He knew she was hiding something and he knew just how difficult it must be for her. But he wanted her to trust him. He wanted her to have the confidence to confide in him – it was almost driving him mad.

She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how to answer the question Gerard had been asking for the past three days. No, she wasn’t okay. Of course she wasn’t! If she was she would be out there - doing something -, not hiding away in her house.

The telephone ringing made the two of them jump and Olivia sprang up off of the floor. She scurried along the hall until finding the phone that hung on the wall in her corridor.

She picked up the hand piece, “h-hello?”

She should have guessed who it was calling, the one person who had managed to get her into this mess. The girl who craved to party. The girl who was almost addicted to it.

“Oli! Girl, where are you?” The high-pitched tone of Audrey called through the receiver and Olivia cringed.

“I’m – I’m just at home,” Olivia barely whispered.

She didn’t want to deal with this right now. She didn’t want to have to talk to Audrey. In fact, she didn’t want to ever talk to her again.

She wished that she could just change. Find a new name, a new identity. That would be good. Start a fresh.

“What are you doing at your house?!” Audrey shrieked. “Come to the bar! There’s hot guys.” Audrey tried to persuade her byt managed to cause Olivia to shrink further away.

She didn’t want hordes of people around her, and especially ‘hot guys’’ as Audrey had to subtly put it. She wanted Gerard.

“Sorry, Audrey. I can’t.” And with that she hung up, not wanting to talk to her so called ‘best friend’ any longer.


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