The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 16

Gerard walked out of Olivia's bathroom and found her sitting against the hallway wall. He head was tilted back, her eyes were closed and her knees were pulled up against her chest.
He sat down next to her.

"Hey," he muttered. He wasn't sure what else to say, there wasn't much else to say. She wouldn't open up to him and she wouldn't allow him to help - it made him feel useless.

Olivia nodded and opened her eyes to look at Gerard. She thought for a minute - she knew she was being horrible, he was just trying to help her, he was just trying to make her happy; she didn't know why, but he was.

"Look, you don't have to - " she started.

He almost knew what she was going to say next, he knew that she was going to tell him that he didn't need to be there for her, he didn't need to be in her house.

"I know," Gerard admitted. "But I want to."

Olivia didn't know what else to say so she just nodded. There wasn't much that she could say. In truth - she liked having Gerard there, she liked the fact that he was there for her even though he had no idea what she was trying to deal with - and he had no idea what he was dealing with.

He nodded in return and got up off of the floor - holding his hand out stretched to help her up.

She latched her hand onto his and used to help to get herself up off of her cream coloured carpet.

She dusted off her jeans - more of out habbit then really needing to and she stood there, looking almost expectantly at Gerard.

He looked back at her, "I've got another band practice today... do you - do you want to come?"

She did, but she didn'ty. She did want to go because she wanted to stay with Gerard - she felt safe with Gerard.

But she didn't; she didn't want to be around other people, she didn't want to have anyone talking to her.

She nodded, none-the-less, and smiled at Gerard. "Uh-huh."

