The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 03

The girl sat while the man stood. Both stared at each other. She stood up, unsure really of what to do, and looked at him long and hard. He had short black hair, slightly spiky in places, not well styled. His face was well structured, and his bones were prominent. Not in an anorexic way, just how they were. His hazel eyes seemed to gleam in the gloomy night and his point of a nose stuck out from his face. His thin light pink lips, contrasted perfectly with his creamy white skin, and his posture was slightly hunched.

The girl nodded slightly. She didn’t know why. But she felt something towards this man. It could be anything. Yes, she found him attractive… in an odd sort of way. And she wanted to get to know him better. She wouldn’t let him touch her though. Not when he reached out his hand to take hers. She flinched, and crossed her arms across her chest and hung her head, staring at her feet.

The man watched the girl for a while. Taking in her baggy clothes, the way her bright red hair now covered her face. He lifted her head by her chin and tucked her hair behind her ears.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered, instantly regretting it as he saw the fear in her eyes. The girl didn’t know what to do. He was attracted to her. As she was attracted to him. But no, she couldn’t get close to this man. She couldn’t let him know how worthless she really was. She couldn’t let him hurt her.
She started to back away more, hearing the rain pour around her own footsteps, closely followed by the man’s.
Why wouldn’t he leave her alone? What was it about her that just wouldn’t let him?
“Please.” He almost begged. Even he wasn’t sure why he wanted to help this girl so much, there was just something drawing him towards her. He wanted to know what was wrong, what made her so fearful, so terrified.

Neither one of them understood it, but they had both ended up going back to her house. She didn’t particularly want to be alone and he had offered to walk her there. In the end, he had ended up coming in and making her a cup of coffee to warm her up as she was drenched.
“Why don’t you go have a shower while I make you a coffee?” He had asked as they walked into the house. “You’re soaking.” He tried to laugh, but stopped when he noticed the distress in her eyes.
She nodded slightly and made her way up to her room to get a change of clothes, a pair of pyjama pants and a baggy t-shirt along with bra and underpants.
She stripped and got into the shower, turning the water hotter. No matter how much she scrubbed she still felt dirty. Cheap and filthy. She felt poor, and inferior to everyone else around her. This wonderful man, who was trying to help her, was down in her kitchen, making a drink. It took her everything to try and to trust him. She still didn’t even know his name, but she wanted to trust him. She couldn’t trust anyone else. She knew she couldn’t. But this man was trying to help and she couldn’t deny him that. She didn’t want to trust anyone, however. She didn’t feel like she even needed to. Surely, living with no trust was better than having all of that crushed when they ended up hurting you?