The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 05

I think in the last chapter the girl had three names? Sorry about that, her name is Olivia (Oli for short)

Gerard sighed. "Yeah, it's getting late. I should probably head back." He swirled his thumbs. He didn't want to leave. Not just yet anyway. But it was way past one in the morning and both needed their sleep. He wanted to pry further into her life, find out what was bothering her. Try to help her.
She nodded and got out of her seat, Gerard following shortly. "Do you want to do something tomorrow?" He asked her as he opened her front door.
Her arms were crossed over her chest again and her legs were held tightly together, closing herself off from the world. She looked up at him. She did want to. She didn't at the same time though. She no longer wanted to get close to people. She wanted to be able to live her life. On her own. With no one being disappointed in her. No one to be disappointed in her. A life where there was no one to please, and no one to hurt. A life on her own. Oli shocked herself as she answered. It was like she was unable to control herself. Like word vomit, it just kept coming. And she couldn't stop it.
"Yeah, I'd like that. Y'know, it's late. You don't need to go home. Erm.. you could stay here if you want? I could make the spare bed. But I mean, you don't need to! I'm just suggesting, and all.. It's late, y'know. I don't mind. But if you wanted-" She was cut off from her rambling.
Gerard, of course he wanted to stay. He wanted to get to know this girl. To understand what made her. To understand everything about her. It was almost as if it had turned into an obsession. Over the couple of hours they had sat in her kitchen. He wanted to know everything about her. Down to the tiniest, minute detail. "Of course, I'd like to." He smiled at her and she smiled slightly back.
It wasn't a big smile, but it showed to Gerard that she was glad. The two of them got the spare bed ready in the on bedroom of her flat and Gerard fell onto it, grunting. She stifled a laugh and got underneath her own covers. Gerard stripped off his clothes and got underneath his own covers, closing his eyes.
It's always hard to sleep when the person in the same room is moving around a lot. It's always hard to sleep when said person is whimpering and making noises of hurt and discomfort. Gerard listened to her continuous mumbling and her sheets shuffling as Oli shifted uncomfortably in her bed. He didn't know what was bothering her. He was scared, to say the least. He wanted to comfort her. He knew that she needed it, but he wasn't sure on how to give it to her.
He got out of his own bed and shifted into her own bed. Getting under the covers. He didn't know whether to touch her, hold her, or just let her lye there and continue to shake and shift around. When he started to hear her words more clearly he moved. "No… no, please. Don't." She whimpered and Gerard scooted closer to her, not actually touching her. Almost instantly Olivia turned over and scooted closer to Gerard, placing her arm over his waist. He was shocked. Around forty-five minutes ago, this was the girl who wouldn't even answer a question without stuttering, and now, here she was, with her arm around his waist, pulling him closer. Gerard sighed; at least in her sleep she could be comforted. At least in her sleep she would open up. He shifted onto his side and wrapped his arm protectively around her fragile form, careful not to hold her too tight, in fear of breaking her.

Olivia woke up in the morning and her breath hitched. Why was Gerard in her bed? But why, most of all was she tucked into him? Her arms wrapped neatly around his body as his did the same to her. Her eyes widened and she carefully unwrapped herself from his body, climbed out of the bed and scrambled quickly down the hall to the kitchen. She made herself a big cup of coffee and sat down. Taking soothing sips as she thought of how she just woke up. In truth, she did like it. She liked having closeness. And she liked the fact it was Gerard. But she was scared. He doesn't need her. She needs him. Not the other way around.
Gerard stretched as he walked into the kitchen; he had woken when Olivia had moved out of his grasp. It had upset him when she moved, he liked being able to hold her. He had known her a night and a few hours, and already there was this great tug at his heart every time he thought about her. He sat opposite her, in the same place as he was last night and she greeted him with a small, but warm smile. He returned the smile and laced his fingers together, placing them on the surface in front of him.
"Hey… just wandering, but do you... Do you want to come watch my band practice?" He asked. In truth, he just wanted to spend more time with her, and if it was with the other guys, then that was fine with him, as long as she was around.