The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 06

The two of them stepped into Gerard and his younger brother's parent's house and walked down into their basement. In there was four other men and Olivia shied behind Gerard. She didn't register that there would be other people there when Gerard asked her to come watch him; she was too lost that he still wanted to be around her. She completely misread what he was asking. Her eyes were wide as one of them stuck his hand out at her and said "Hi, I'm Ray."
She stared at his hand, her eyes full of fear. Ray sensed this and took his hand away and shoved it roughly into his pocket. Gerard frowned in concern at Oli's lack of confidence and introduced her for her. "This is Olivia, or Oli." She told them all. "Oli, this is Frank, Bob, Mikey my brother, and Matt. You know Ray." Olivia nodded and sunk down onto the couch at the back of the room. She brought her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around them, closing herself off yet again. Gerard frowned again, he was hoping that since last night he had been able to get a little closer to her, but now he wasn't so sure.
"Erm, I guess we'll start with… Honey..." Gerard told the others and he stood behind the microphone. Olivia sat there, stunned at how good this band was. She was drawn to this band, from the sound of the guitars and bass then the drums kicked in. But when Gerard sang, oh boy did he sing. She was memorized. "Oh baby let me in." It was almost as if he was singing the words to her. Not at her, but too her. As if he was trying to tell her that he would help her, help her through this. She wanted to tell him, she wanted to tell him what had happened the other night. But she didn't know how he would react, and that scared her. She listened to the words, they weren't the same as 'oh baby let me in' they were more… dark, almost. More hate filled. And in that sense, she didn't want to open up to him. Because he could hate her. She didn't want to disappoint him, she was now 'broken goods' so to speak. She had been tampered with and no one would want that.

She was too deep in her thoughts that she didn't feel the hot tears prickling down her cheeks, or Gerard sitting on the couch next to her. It was only when he placed an arm around her shoulder that she jolted and looked at him. She pried his arm off of her shoulder and stood up off of the couch. She looked around nervously as she could feel all five pairs of eyes on her and she twitched every now and again.
"Olivia… what's wrong?" The concern in Gerard's voice nearly fooled her, nearly. She looked at him, his eyes squinted, eyebrows crossed, lips slightly pursed. If anything, he looked concerned. But it wouldn't fool her. She didn't believe it. She knew that no matter what, he would end up hating her. She almost ran out of the door, leaving Gerard standing there in shock.
"Olivia! What's wrong?" He repeated and darted after her, leaving the rest of his band. He chased her as she ran down the road. She didn't stop, she didn't want to stop. Something in her heart was telling her to slow down, let Gerard catch up, but the voice in her head was stronger, telling her to run faster, lose Gerard. She stumbled on a lose piece of gravel and lost her footing, falling to the ground. "OLIVIA!" Gerard shrieked and ran to her side. "Are you okay?"
Tears leaked out of her eyes and she turned to sit on her buttocks and brought her knees into her chest. She rocked backwards and forwards, thoughts flew through her head. Thoughts of what had happened, thoughts of what could happen, thoughts of Gerard. She stopped listening to what Gerard was saying to her and she lost herself in her mind. The eyes, the eyes of the man who had done this. They were filled with such horror, they were lust filled.

"'ello darling'." He spoke as she stood in the bar.
"…hi." She muttered and returned to chatting with her friends.
He grabbed onto her arm and pulled her away. "We'll just be a minute." He shouted over the heads towards her friends and they nodded, and carried on drinking."

She shuddered. His eyes were a dark grey, with dark purple bags below them.
"Olivia!" Gerard waved a hand in front of her face and she looked up at him- his eyes were nothing like that man. He had a comforting, hazel stare. He didn't have bags, or wrinkles. He was different.