The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 08

Again with the length; sorry.
I think this fic's gonna have quite short chapters, it's easier to write that way. And it just works

They got back to Olivia's house and she slipped the key into the lock. Neither of them had said a word since Olivia had flinched her hand out of Gerard's grasp. The silence was awkward, but slightly pleasant none-the-less.

Both of them slipped off or untied their shoes and Olivia set her keys down on the work bench.
"Where do you keep your first aid kit?" Gerard asked as he followed her into the kitchen where she opened up the cupboard and got out two mugs.
"On top of the fridge… Do you want a cup of coffee? Or anything?" She asked and Gerard reached up and grabbed the green case off of the fridge top.
"Erm, a coffee would be good. Yeah, thanks." She made the coffee and got herself some orange juice out of the fridge, sat down and poured out her mug full and started to drink the bitty liquid.
"If I'd have known," Gerard said, while unzipping the green case. "I would have had orange juice, to save you the trouble."

He got out the antiseptic wipes and took one of her hands. She held it out flat for him and he dabbed and swiped at the wounds her fall had ended her with. She hissed.
"It's no bother." She replied and squeezed her eyes shut from the sharp sting that was formed in her hand.
"Sorry." Gerard said.

Even hurting her like this, made Gerard feel extremely guilty. He didn't want to hurt her – in any way; shape or form. And even cleaning her cuts was hurting her!
She nodded, "mmhm." She said though clamped lips.

Once Gerard had stopped cleaning her scrapes he put a band aid on them and brought it up to his lips – kissing the rubbery fabric. "Mwah. There you go, all better now." He laughed.
Olivia giggled at Gerard's mother like impression, instantly regretting it and clamping a hand to her mouth. How could she be so stupid! She wasn't allowed to laugh. She didn't deserve it. That man had shown her that. She didn't deserve happiness. He took that happiness away with him, the night he stole her virginity. He had taken everything from her. She now deserved nothing. She was trash. A piece of garbage laying in the gutter. That's what she was. Dirty. Cheap. Just plain old disgusting.
Gerard shouldn't even be in her house. He wouldn't want to know her if he knew. He would be so repulsed by it that he would hate her forever. She was worthless.
"You should laugh more often; it makes you look really pretty." No. She didn't deserve to look pretty. Just no.