The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 09

She shook her head and got down off of her chair. She walked through to her bedroom and took her post of sitting in the corner. She sat rocking in that corner. He eyes were unfocused and she concentrated on nothing. She didn't even notice him follow her into the purple walled room.

He took a seat on the floor – not too close, but not too far away from her and he watched her.
He watched her as she hugged her knees up into her chest, rested her chin on her knees. Watched as she rocked backwards and forwards on her bottom, her toes rising and falling off of the ground as her heels rocked with her.
He watched as silent tears began to drip out of her eyes and make their way down her cheeks. He watched as the flow of tears became heavier and heavier, stronger and stronger. He watched as her nose got runny, he listened to her sniffling and snivelling, her breathing becoming rugged and she rocked faster and faster, harder and harder.

He eventually couldn't take it anymore and he moved closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in towards his chest for comfort. Even through she was like this, he couldn't help the pang of hurt he felt deep within him when she pulled away from him and sat herself up straight, her stare straight ahead of her.
Neither of them said a word. There was nothing to say.
Gerard knew that she wasn't going to answer his questions, not when she was in such a state as this.

Gerard sighed. He wasn't sure what to do. He had never been good with troubled people, never been people-smart, especially when they cried. He never knew what to do. What was there to do? Especially when the person crying would never open up to you - when there was more chance of getting blood from a stone then them telling you what was really bothering the,.

He sat next to her for what seemed like hours, but was in actually fact only fourteen minutes. His phone went off. He didn't bother checking the caller ID as he reached into his pocket and held the phone up to his ear, almost forgetting to press the answer button.

"Hello?" He answered and the voice of his brother ran through his ear like one thousand bells going off. Mikey's voice always had a tendency to go to a very high pitch when he was upset of worried – higher than most – and he had been told that he did it himself, too. His mother said that it ran in the family as both his father and grandfather did the same.
"Gee? Where are you?!" Mikey screeched. "You've been gone for ages!"

Gerard laughed to himself. God, Mikey really was a worry-wart. Gerard was a twenty-four-year-old man who had his twenty-year-old brother fretting his pants off over him being gone for a while.
"I'm fine, Mikey." Gerard chuckled. "I'm at Olivia's…" He trailed off, unsure of what to say for the matter – especially as she was seated right next to him.
"Ah, is she okay? She left pretty quickly?"