The Guest

chapter 13

[Rachel's pov]

The past month had been great, the guys had really welcomed me in to their little family, it honestly felt as if I'd known them for ever.

Every so often I'd end up alone with Frank, which was both nice and extremely hard due to the slight crush that I seem to have developed on him, every so often I'd catch him looking at me or he'd say something that would make me think that maybe he felt the same way about me.

I know how silly it is for me to think that way, I mean he does have a girlfriend, a pretty serious girlfriend too, after all you don't spend two years with someone for nothing. (I hope it was two years I wrote before, I'm too lazy to check. lol)

Right now we were stopped in some lay by in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, the kind of place you'd see in those crappy horror movies where a group of people's car would break down and then some passing vehicle would pick them up and next thing you know the driver's killing everyone or something like that.

Frank stepped off a few minutes after we stopped for a cigarette, I decided it would probably be a good idea to get some fresh air so I followed his lead.

"Anyone ever told you that they're kinda bad for your health?" I asked as he turned to see who had come off the bus.

"I think I heard something like that," he replied making me smile a little.

"Well, as long as you know."

"I'm trying to quit, it's just hard, all the good things are bad for you."

"All of the good things?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows mischievously.

I really need to stop flirting with him!

"Well, most of them." He winked in return.


Before I could say anything else Gerard stepped off the bus with Frank's cell phone in his hand.

"It keeps ringing, I would've answered it but dude your girlfriend scares me." He laughed as he handed it over to Frank.

"Oh um, thanks." He sighed.

I watched Frank as he moved away from Gerard and I before answering the call, he didn't look too happy about it to say the least, in fact he kinda looked like he was in both shock and pain.

After the call ended he looked up to see Gerard and I looking over at him before heading back on to the bus.

"Poor guy," laughed Gerard

Soon we were all back on the bus and making our way to the next destination, Frank had disappeared in to his bunk and despite our best efforts wouldn't come out.

We soon learnt the reason for his sudden depression, Brian had given permission for Frank's girlfriend to come and visit in a couple of days. What an asshole.

Was it normal for me to be slightly mad? Sure Brian didn't know how I felt about about Frank, Brian would NEVER know how I felt about Frank, I mean if he evver found out he'd probably make me go back home or something. Anyways before I go too far oof topic, yeah he didn't know how I felt about Frank, but I'm pretty sure he knew how Frank felt about his girlfriend.

I tried to mention this to Brian, suggesting that maybe it would have been better if he'd talked to Frank and the other guys before giving Maria the go-ahead but he just told me to mind my own business. Which to be honest I was doing that a little.

The rest of the day passed slowly, it's strange how when Frank's not happy no-one else is, I missed his cute little smile already.