The Guest

chapter 16

[Rachel's pov]

"Where are we?" Asked Maria in her stupid little whine of a voice.

"Um about five hours from the next hotel," replied Frank as he took a swig of beer.

"Oh good lord, I've been with you guys two days and already I'm bored of this, how do you cope?" She asked sighing way overdramatically.

"You get used to it," he replied looking over at Mikey and myself sitting on the couch opposite him and rolling his eyes.

"Ugh, I don't see how." She snorted. "And why exactly are you filming them? I mean they do the same thing all the time." She said without even looking at me.

"Don't you find it interesting what they do?" I asked narrowing my eyes slightly not that she noticed, she was too busy checking her nails.

"Yeah but they sleep, they play, they drink over and over again. Not exactly oscar winning now is it." She laughed.

I watched Frank as she said that, he flinched at the sound of her mocking what he did and I found myself having to count to ten so as not to jump up and slap her, what exactly does she do anyways to make her think so little of what her boyfriend does?

"Maybe not, but if you think so little of the way they live their life why are you here?" I said losing control of my mouth for a moment.

"Because Frank's my boyfriend." She replied looking up at me.


"So, I don't need any other reason."

"Oh please! From what I see you couldn't care less about Frank."

"How dare you! You don't know anything about me so don't butt your nose in to what doesn't concern you."

"Okay firstly I couldn't give a shit about whether or not I know anything about you, and secondly Frank is my friend so it does concern me, I'm sick of seeing you treat him like he's nothing. He is a great guy that deserves much more than you." I said standing up.

"Oh I see, you think he should be with someone like you right?" She said standing next to me.


"No," I lied. "I just think he'd be better off alone than with you," I said repeating what I'd told him the other day.

"Will you guys shut up!" Said Brian walking in from the bunk area, "Some of us are trying to sleep."

"I'm sorry Brian," I said sitting back down next to Mikey,

"Alright then, goodnight." He said going back to his bunk.

I watched Maria as she sat back down next to a stunned looking Frank. I know I should have felt bad about saying all of that but I didn't in the slightest, Mikey nudged my arm and smiled in a manner that almost said 'well done'. I smiled back before resting my head on the back of the couch.

We sat in silence for about ten minutes before Maria started boredly sighing again and looking around for something to do.

"You know you could go take a nap if you want to pass the time," said Mikey after a while.

'In other words, you're annoying us go away' I thought as she kissed Frank and headed to her bunk.

The silence remained for a while, I guess I went and ruined the evening or something like that. I looked up to see Frank had put his legs up on the couch and was leaning against the wall huddled up under a blanket.

Mikey started to shift around on the couch next to me before standing up and stretching his arms out.

"I'm gonna go watch a movie in the back, anyone wanna join me?" He asked looking from Frank to me.

"No thanks," Frank and I replied almost at the same time.

"Alright well, see you later." He said leaving the lounge.

I looked over to see Frank looking sleepily at me, I didn't know whether to say anything or not, after all my mouth had done enough work tonight.

After a few moments I began to feel uncomfortable, sure having Frank stare at me was kinda nice in a creepy way but I couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly not meeting his eyes.

He swung his legs off the couch and stood up, picking up the blanket before sitting down next to me and laying over both our laps.

"I'm not mad at you," he said laying his arm across my shoulders.

"Really?" I gasped.

I suddenly felt extremely hot and I was pretty sure it wasn't the blanket doing it.

"Really," he was so close that I could almost feel the vibrations of his voice. "In fact it was kinda a turn on, I don't think I've ever had two girls fight over me." He giggled laying his head on my shoulder.

Somebody seriously needed to open a window or turn the air-con on because I was beginning to feel as if I was on fire.

Before I could think of something to say back I felt his hand softly brush against my thigh before stopping and resting just above my knee, as I tried to figure out what to do I felt his soft lips on my neck, slowly making their way up before stopping by my ear.

"Frank," I whispered turning to face him.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly moving away from me.

"No don't..."


Without speaking I leant towards him and planted my lips on his, he moved his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as I parted my lips allowing his tongue to enter and explore my mouth.

Before I knew it we were both laying down, Frank on top of me slowly grinding his hips against mine as our kiss deepened. If there's a heaven this is exactly what I want it to be like, he wasn't agressive or in a rush like all the guys I'd gone out with in the past who were only interested in getting as many parts of themselves inside me as fast as they could.

He was gentle, kissing me slowly as he softly caressed my body. I don't know how long we made out for but eventually Frank pulled away from me, running a finger along my bottom lip as he just looked at me.

"What on earth is going on here?"