The Guest

chapter 2

[Rachel's pov]

"So what are you going to do now?" Asked Callie amorning as we sat in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"I really don't know," I replied putting my fork down.

"Well I could talk to Alex today, see if there's any work going at the store." She said through a mouthfull of pancakes.

"Yeah that would be great, thanks." I replied.

Callie worked in this awesome clothes store which only sold like vintage and one of a kind stuff, I'd always been so jealous of her working there especially seeing as she got major discounts.

"Do you want me to go over to your house and get you some stuff too?" She asked.

"Um, no thankyou. I'll go do it myself," I replied taking a sip of coffee.

"I don't mind," she added sensing my hesitation.

"I'll be ok," I replied taking my last bite of pancakes.

"Ok then," she said standing up and picking up our empty plates, I watched her as she walked over to the dishwasher and placed them inside.

"Are you watching me? Honey are you going gay? Is this what the whole thing is about?" She asked resting a hand on her hip and raising an eyebrow.

"You wish!" I replied as I stood up and grabbed a dishcloth which moments later connected with her head.

"Oh yeah?" She asked trying to fix her hair.

"Believe me, the only breasts I'm interested in are the chicken kind." I laughed.

"Gosh, you're so in denial." She said walking out of the kitchen.

"I'm not gay!" I said following her.

"Then why are you looking at my ass?" She asked.

I quickly glanced down before realising that I'd fallen in to her trap, as I lifted my head up she turned around with a cocky smile plastered across her face.

"Very funny," I sighed as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah I know," she replied smugly. "On to another subject, you need a ride?"

"Oh yeah that would be great," I replied even though I only lived, well had lived a couple of streets away.

After a minute or two we pulled up outside my house, I remained seated in the car, not wanting to get out.

"Sure you don't want me to come in?" Callie asked resting her hand on my arm.

"I'll be ok," I replied putting on a smile and opening the door.

"Ok, well I'll see you later." She said as I got out of the car.

"Yeah, see you later." I replied closing the door.

She gave me a little wave and mouthed 'good luck' before driving away.
I slowly turned around and walked up to the front door, taking a deep breath I opened it and walked inside.

"Hey," my little brother Brandon said as he walked out of the living room in to the hall where I stood.

"Hey," I replied quietly.

"It's okay, she's at work." He said referring to our mother.

"Ok great," I replied before making my way up to my room.

Walking over to my wardrobe I pulled my huge suitcase out from the bottom and placed it next to my bed, before going back for my clothes.

I crammed as much ah I could in to it before struggling to close it.
Once I'd managed to fo that I brought out my smaller suitcase and filled that with CD's, toiletries, my laptop and various other things that I probably wouldn't need but couldn't bear to leave behind.

"So you're really going huh?" Asked Brandon walking in to my room.

"What other choice do I have?" I shrugged.

"I'm going to miss ypu," he said.

"I somehow doubt that," I said shaking my head.

"Hey!" Despite popular belief, I actually do like you. I mean you're practically what's kept me sane living here." He replied.

"Yeah well, you only have six months until you get to leave for college." I said zipping up the small suitcase.

"Six months too long," he sighed.

"You'll be ok," I said hugging him.

Even though he was younger than me people often thought that he was the older than me seeing as he towered over me by about a million inches.

"Yeah whatever," he replied pulling away from me and looking at the suitcases.

"Don't suppose you can help me out with these?" I asked seeing where his gaze had fallen.

"I don't see why not," he replied picking up the big suitcase.

"Thankyou," I said checking that I hadn't forgotten anything.

"Holy crap! What have you got in here?" Laughed Brandon dragging the suitcase down the hall towards the stairs.