The Guest

chapter 21

[Frank's pov]

We sat at the end of the hallway eating chips, neither of us really saying anything. I hated seeing Rachel like this, she looked like she'd hardly eaten or slept since she came home, dark rings circled her eyes and she'd lost some weight.

I'd missed her so much lately, I just wished that I could take her away from here and make her feel better, I knew that wasn't likely though.

"Are you enjoying being home?" She asked, I think the silence was getting to be a little too much.

"It's nice to see my family, and know where I am and all. But there's a lot of things I miss now that I'm home," I replied.

"Like the stench of your unwashed bandmates?" She said causing me to laugh.

"Of course, I was thinking of bottling up their sweat so that I could smell it whenever I like."

"Ahh yes, Eau De My Chemical Romance. I'm sure you could make some money from that."

"Maybe I'll suggest it to the others."

Once again silence fell upon us, but this time it was a comfortable silence, every so often we'd catch each others eye and smile shyly.

"So what do you really miss?" She asked after a while.

"I miss you." I replied feeling my cheeks begin to redden.


"It's true."

"Why would you miss me?" She asked teasingly.

"Because...I just do." I replied lamely.

She smiled before taking hold of my hand and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Thankyou Frank."

"For what?"

"Making me feel better." She whispered.

"It's my pleasure." I replied kissing the top of her head.

"You know if you didn't have a girlfriend I would probably kiss you right now," she said quietly.

"But I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"Not any more."

"You broke up! When?"

"When we got home, she started going off about something or the other and I just stood there trying to figure out why I'd put up with her for so long."

She lifted her head up off of my shoulder and gave me a smug 'told you so' kind of look, before she could say anything I placed my free hand on her cheek and leant in to kiss her.

She smiled slightly and closed her eyes, and as our lips touched I felt as if I was on top of the world. It was a quick gentle kiss but it felt as if time had stopped and we were the only people around.

As we pulled away from each other I wrapped my arms around her and held on tightly.

"Everything's going to be just fine," I soothed.