The Guest

chapter 4

[Rachel's pov]

The next day after an extremely unsucessful job hunt I sank down on to the couch and closed my eyes, I hated feeling like I was a burden on Vanessa and Callie.
I knew that they didn't mind me staying but I did, I wanted to get back on track but that wasn't going to be happening for a while with no job.

My cell phone started blaring out an obnoxious ringtone, I pulled it out of my pocket and cursed Brandon and his stupid practical jokes.
I couldn't leave anything out without him messing around with it...

"Hello," I said bringing it up to my ear.

"Hey little sis, I heard you got thrown out. Congratulations!" Said the voice on the other end.

"Brian!" I screamed jumping up.

"Geez Rachel, I may be far away but I can hear you just fine." He laughed.

My other brother Brian was my most favourite person in the world, despite him being a few years older than me we'd always been close.
He'd also met our mothers bad side in the most awesome way if you ask me, moving away to work as a tour manger and getting countless amounts of tattoos.

Now he was managing a new band, I know it sounds bad but I always forget ther name.
It's something romace, I'm not sure, I'd ask him again but I don't want to cause any offence by appearing like I don't listen.

"I'm sorry," I said sitting back down.

"It's okay," he replied. "So what happened?"

"Blah blah blah I lack responsibility, blah blah blah she can't baby me anymore, blah blah blah."

"Oh I see, the usual."


"So what are you going to do now?" He asked.

"Um, I'm staying with Callie and her mum, they're helping me look for a job." I replied looking down at my nails.

"Is that what you want?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked in reply.

"You're twenty years old, and you have the freedom to do whatever you want." He replied.

"But what do you mean?" I asked slowly.

"Do you really want to get a job in like a store so that you can save up for some crappy little apartment?"

"I guess not."

"Well then why not do what you want to do?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied folding my legs beneath me.

"What about the film stuff?"

I'd always wanted to be a director, but my mother hadn't had enough money to send me to college to study and a scholarship had never been a possibility.

"And what would I film here?" I asked.

"You don't have to do anything there, maybe you could come film my boys on tour." He replied.

"Eww, tour with a bunch of stinky ass rock dudes. I don't think so." I laughed.

"Well it's an idea right?"

"Yeah it is."

"So you'll think about it?" He asked.

"Filming your boys?" I asked.

"Just filming in general."

"Yeah I'll think about it."

"Ok, well I've gotta go do important manager type stuff."

"Oh, ok."

"Call me and let me know what you're doing."

"Um yeah, I will."

"Ok, bye Rachel. Love you." He said after a moment.

"Bye, love you too." I replied before hanging up.