The Guest

chapter 6

[Rachel's pov]

A few days later I was out with Brandon helping him buy groceries while our mother was away.

"Can you explain why I'm helping you, even though I don't live with you anymore." I said looking down at the basket.

"Because I'm your baby brother and you love me," he replied grinning.


"And I thought seeing as you helped me buy the groceries you could help me uh, you know cook them." He replied walking away.

"No way! I'm not your personal chef," I protested.

"Come on Rachel, you don't want to see me starve do you?" He asked putting on his 'I didn't do it' face.

"I doubt you'll starve,"

"Please! It's not like you have anything better to do."

"Yeah, thank's for pointing that out. I'd hardly noticed," I said sarcastically.

"I like to keep people informed on current affairs," he laughed.

Once everything had been paid for and bagged up we headed out to the car, just as I leant up to close the trunk my cell phone started to vibrate causing me to jump a little in suprise.

I closed the trunk and reached in to my pocket to retrieve my phone, looking at the caller ID I saw Brian's name and began to feel nervous, this was probably it, either I was about to tour with a hopefully hot band or stay here and get myself a dead end job that'll only enable me to earn enough money to feed my fifty pet cats.

I slowly flipped the phone open and pulled it up to my ear.

"Sup! Dude?" I said causing Brandon to look at me as if I'd just grown a second head.

"Did you take something?" Asked Brian.

"Haha no, or at least not intentionally," I laughed.

"Weirdo," he said laughing too.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"I talked to the guys," he replied.

"And?" I asked biting my lip.

"And they all think that...So...Okay?"

"What? I can't hear you properly, you're breaking up."

"Hello, Rachel are you there? I can't hear you." He said before the phone cut off.

"Fuck! I shouted resisting the urge to throw my phone across the parking lot.

"What's wrong?" Asked Brandon looking over from the front of the car.

I sighed and walked over to him, placing my cell phone back in my pocket.

"Brian was just about to tell me what's going on and the phone cut out," I sighed.

"Oh well don't worry too much about it, he'll call you back when he can." He replied.
