The Guest

chapter 8

[Frank's pov]

We were sat in a roadside diner somewhere in New York, eating veggie burgers off of plates that looked older than my grandmother.

There was a certain feeling in the air, excitement I think, or too much cooking oil.

I turned my head slightly to look out of the window, as I did so I saw our manager Brian walking towards the diner from our brand new tour bus.

"Okay boys, are you ready for a little something that I like to call the rules?" He asked, emphasizing the last part.

"Sure, why not." Replied Ray in-between taking sips of his milkshake.

"All right then, firstly there will be no number two's on the bus, even if we're like in the middle of nowhere you find somewhere else to go." He said causing a few giggles.

"But what if we can't find anywhere else to go?" Asked Mikey.

"Not my problem," replied Brian looking over at him. "Secondly, no sex on the My Chem tour bus, with men, women or yourself." He laughed causing 'Ahh man's' to erupt all around the table.

"But it's good for relaxation," laughed Gerard.

"Yeah, so is knitting, why don't you take that up?" He replied with a mischievous smile.

The other guys and Brian began to bicker with each other playfully but I kept quiet, I had more serious things to worry about than finding ways to relieve myself or shit without stinking up the bus..

Lately things between me and my girlfriend Maria hadn't been going so well, she had this idea stuck in her head that I would or had already cheated on her while I was away on tour.

You'd think that after two and a half years together she'd trust me, but no, she'd heard too many stories of bands and groupies to do that.

After a while we paid up and headed out to the bus, Brian's sister was going to be coming on tour with us so we had to go and pick her up from the airport.

"Hey, are you okay Frank?" Asked Gerard placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh uh yeah, I guess." I replied, focusing my eyes on the bus rather than him.

I'm pretty sure that even Stevie Wonder could see that I wasn't but Gerard took my reply without question.

I guess when you've known each other for as long as we have you realise when not to pry.

Once we were all on the bus I went straight to my bunk, as I lay down I placed my headphones on and closed my eyes as the sound of the Smashing Pumpkins flooded my ears.

Before I knew it I opened my eyes and looked at my watch to see that I'd been asleep for just over an hour and the bus had ground to a halt.

I removed my headphones placing them in-between me and the wall and rubbed my eyes before getting out of the bunk to see what was going on.

"Why have we stopped?" I asked Ray as I walked through the kitchen area.

"Waiting for Brian," he replied taking a soda out of the fridge.

"To do what?" I asked as he passed one to me.

"To get his sister," he replied sitting down.

"Oh yeah, right." I replied as I looked out of the window to see that we were at the airport.

"Do you think she's cute?" Ray asked as he played with the ring pull on the can.

"No sex on the My Chem tour bus Ray!" I laughed sitting down opposite him.

He got me thinking though, what if she was cute? Maria had flipped out already when she found out that there was going to be a girl on the bus, what would she do if it was a cute girl?

After a while Gerard who I presume had been outside smoking came back on to the bus smiling.

"Dude, you look like someone just tickled Mr Happy." Laughed Mikey as he sat down next to Ray.

"Maybe they did," replied Gerard smiling creepily.

"You know I really don't think that he's my brother, I bet there was like a mix up at the hospital." Said Mikey shaking his head.

"You wish," grinned Gerard flicking his ear.

"Ow, don't do that!" Shouted Mikey hitting Gerard's arm.

"You started it," replied Gerard messing up Mikey's hair.

"No, you did with your weirdness."

Ray and I sat watching the two of them as they argued like five year olds, Bob shouting at them to shut up but it was drowned out by all the cussing.

"Hey hey hey, I leave you for like ten minutes and it turns into the Lord of the Flies in here. Rule three no fighting!" Shouted Brian as he stepped on to the bus.

Mikey and Gerard stopped arguing and we all turned to look at Brian, holding a suitcase and a pretty large rucksack.

"Uh man, weren't you supposed to collect your sister as well as her..." Ray stopped talking suddenly as Brian's sister came on to the bus.

"Ladies, this is my sister Rachel." He said gesturing to her.

She was beautiful, about 5'4" tall with a choppy bob of black hair and the most beautiful green eyes that I had ever seen.

"I'm dead," I thought out loud.

"What?" Asked Gerard, turning to look at me.

"Oh uh nothing," I replied feeling a little embarrassed.

He nodded his head before turning his attention back to Brian and his sister.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Asked Bob who must've come in after hearing Brian shouting.

"Oh yeah, Rachel this is Frank, Ray, Mikey, Gerard and Bob." He said pointing to each of us as he said our names.

"It's nice to meet you all," she smiled. "Thankyou for letting me tag along."

"That's okay, you're welcome." Smiled Gerard in return.

"Oh yeah, rule number four. Don't mess with my sister, if you mess with my sister I will mess with you." Said Brian.