What Hurts the Most

I Hope The Air Will Serve To Remind You

Maddie smiled to herself as she watched Jack spin and run on stage, and Zack do the monkey dance. Between songs Rian would look over at her and she would give him a thumbs up signaling that she was still okay. Never once did Alex look back at her.

“So for this next song,” Alex began before taking a breath, “Because I’m not a chick, we need a girl to sing this part.”

Half of the crowd started screaming their lungs out.

“Hey Alex,” Jack said into the mic, “I’ve got the perfect person!”
“Who?” Alex asked tilting his head sideways at him. Jack walked over to where she standing and pulled her out on to the stage.

“MADELINE!” Jack shouted into Zack’s mic.
“Uh I don’t think so,” She said nervously. Alex’s eyes locked onto hers.

Then the butterflies decided it was a good time to go play tag in her stomach.

“I’m not a singer,” Maddie said walking away from the mic.
“Alright so you can’t sing!” Alex laughed, “But I can’t play my guitar very well.”
“You’re better than you were two years ago when you played in my basement.”
“That I will agree to,” He said and smiled. Maddie looked at Rian then at Zack, looking for anyone to help her.

“Well how about we play Maddie’s favorite song then,” Zack offered.
“Which one?” She laughed.
“What ever you’d like to hear sweetheart,” Alex said smoothly.
“Don’t you try that shit on me Gaskarth,” Maddie warned, “But I would love to hear some old stuff, so how about Hit The Lights?”
“Okay,” Alex said and Maddie walked off stage.

The boys finished their set, and soon she was greeted with sweaty hugs from everyone but Alex. He stood away from everyone as they all talked about the times they had in Maddie’s basement. She took notice of Alex, but just left him alone.

There was an ‘after party’ in their dressing room, along with the other band they played with, Boys Like Girls. Everyone was drinking except for Maddie and Alex. Maddie looked so depressed and sad that she just sat away from everyone. Alex on the other hand was happier than anything, but he couldn’t findhis whore Kelsey.

Alex looked across the room at Maddie and felt bad for her. He didn’t know why she was acting like this. He was her best friend, key word being was. He decided to give up on finding Kelsey and went over by Maddie.

“What do you want?” She muttered when she noticed him standing in front of her.
“Do you want me to take you home?” He offered, “You don’t look like you’re going to be having fun anytime soon.”

She looked up at him and chose to chance it, “Sure.”

She walked over by Rian, “I’m going home with Alex.”

His eyes grew wide, “What?”
“Alex is taking me home,” She repeated.

A slight smile grew on his face, “Alright.”

“Come on,” She said standing in front of Alex.