What Hurts the Most

My Heart Is As Cold As The Clouds Of Your Breath

They walked out of the venue and she unlocked her car for him, handing him the keys on the way. She climbed into the passenger’s seat and he climbed into the driver’s.

“You know how to get to my house, right?” She asked.
“I think I remember, yeah.”
“Tell me if you get lost,” She said and leaned her head up against the window.

“Maddie?” Alex spoke when they were a few minutes from home.
“Yeah?” She answered.
“Are you okay?”

She paused for a minute and thought, “No.”

“What’s wrong?” He asked turning on to her street.
“You,” She mumbled as the car came to a stop in front of her house.

She took her keys back from him and walked up her steps, unlocking the door and kicking off her shoes and she made her way in. Alex trailed behind, intrigued and curious.

Maddie ran upstairs and grabbed her laptop before returning back in front of Alex.

“That’s what’s wrong,” She said pointing to the windows still open with his name in the searches she had done earlier.

“Stalker,” He chuckled.
“No,” She said coldly, “I shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“Searching your name on the goddamn internet just so I can see you or even hear you!” She said, putting the laptop on the counter that connected the living room and the kitchen.

She walked over to the couch and sat down, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her head against them. Alex followed and sat only far enough away from her that he wouldn’t be invading her space.

“We were best friends Alex,” She mumbled in her cries.
“We still are,” he reminded.
“No,” She said looking up at him, “We aren’t because all your fame has gone to your head. Everyone except you has called me at least once a week.”

“Maddie,” He tried.
“You broke my fucking heart Alex,” She said harshly.