What Hurts the Most

The Flames Are Getting Out Of Control

His world shattered. He no longer thought about Kelsey, or any of those other girls he had been with. This was his fault. He had forgotten about his best friend who was there since the beginning. She needed him there to listen, but he wasn’t there. Now it was his fault that she was alone. It was his fault that her heart was broken.

“Maddie,” He said moving closer to her.
“Just go away,” She said trying not to look at him.

“Listen to me,” He said putting his arms around her and pulling her into him, “I never ever meant anything that I did. I should’ve known that I was getting in too deep. I am so so sorry.”

She picked her head up at looked at him with eyes full of sorrow and hurt. He took his hand and brushed a piece of hair out of her face. Their eyes met and stayed that was for some time. Everything that needed to be said was being said. Every feeling that needed to be felt was being felt. But no words, were being spoken. This is what it used to be. This is what it was supposed to be.

“Mads,” Alex said breaking the on going silence.
“I can’t do this,” She said pushing herself away from him.

She stood up from the couch and looked down at where she was once sitting, then at Alex, “I hate that I love you.”

She turned away from him and began to make her way towards the stairs, but he caught up to her quickly and spun her around, wrapping his arms around her waist and making her unable to escape. She looked at him with pleading eyes but he ignored them.

He leaned down to her tiny frame and kissed her lips softly. He pulled away and she looked at him forgivingly.

“Never once did I not think about you,” he said. She put her arms around his neck and he pulled her even closer.

“You know those three words that people usually say right about now?” She asked raising her eye brow.

“What three words?” He teased.
“Those three words that I wish I would have said to you before you went and left me.”
“Baby, I never left you,” He reminded.
“You did, but that’s another story,” She said and kissed him once more.

His hands began to slowly slide her shirt up over her head, leaving it on the floor next to where they were standing. His pants were slowly being unzipped as well as hers. Maddie pulled away in realization of what was going on.

“Alex,” She breathed heavily.
“Shhhh,” he whispered, “It’s alright.”

“No,” She said pushing herself away from him, “I’m not done yelling at you yet.”

She looked down at her shirt on the floor and decided it was best not to put it back on, it was just going to come back off anyway.

“I never got a chance to say what I needed to say before you left and got all famous.”
“And that would be,” He said taking a few steps towards her.
“That I loved you,” She gulped, “And I still do.”

“You know I love you,” He said seductively.
“No, really Alex. I love you,” She said again. He looked at her and smiled. His eyes weren’t filled with lust at the moment, they were filled with pure love.

He stood on front of her, looping his fingers through the belt loops on her jeans that were halfway un done.

“You know,” He said looking at her, “We never quite got to finish what we started.”