Love is life and if you miss love, you miss life

Chapter 11

‘I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love’ Mother Teresa

We had gotten into Battle of the Bands and it was just so exciting because it was the biggest gig we had ever had. It was supposed to be the greatest night of my life, until Brendon told me he couldn’t make it. So, the big night finally arrived. It was the final of The Battle of the Bands. I didn’t feel happy or excited, I felt sick and angry. I just couldn’t believe that Brendon wasn’t going to come. After all I did for him. After all the support I gave him.
We were in the changing rooms, getting ready. Kyle was fidgety with nerves as he gulped down can after can of Red Bull. Jules paced the floor swallowing (and gagging) spoonfuls of honey for her throat and warming up her voice. Darren got his nerves out with Lynn on the couch. I just sat there, messing with my t-shirt and thinking about Brendon. I just couldn’t make him go away.
‘You’re up next,’ said a crew member sticking his head in the door. We all yelped and ran to the mirror for last minute touch-ups.
Soon, we were waiting just off-stage. We could see the other band before us rocking their hearts out and the crowd went crazy for them. I started to feel sick and dizzy. We were holding hands and I heard Jules whisper a good luck.
‘Ok! Well done guys!’ said the presenter as the clapping died down. ‘Ok, so our next band is new to The Battle of the Band stage but they impressed our judges at the auditions so you will not be disappointed! Give a warm welcome to….DIRECTOR!!’
That was us! I watched as Jules, Darren and Kyle rushed on stage while I just hovered there suddenly thinking I was going to throw up. Then, a firm hand pushed onto the stage and I made my way to my guitar. The lights were blinding me but when I got out I felt a bit better. I swung the guitar over my shoulder as Jules introduced the song. Suddenly a huge yell came from the audience.
I squinted my eyes only to spot Brendon grinning up at me from the front of the audience. He was with Ryan and another guy I didn’t know. I looked at Jules. She started to laugh at me. They had known, they had known all along! I burst out laughing and the first song started. The crowd were amazing and nothing could compare to the huge cheers we got when we had finished. I stumbled of stage high as a kite and soon found myself falling into Brendon’s arms back in the dressing room.
‘You were AMAZING!’ he exclaimed. ‘Absoulutely amazing!’
‘I can’t believe you’re here,’ I said laughing.
‘Did you honestly think I wouldn’t come?’ he said. ‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world.’ He kissed my head.
‘I know it’s been hard, Sass, but we’re going to get through all this.’
‘I know,’ I said burying my head deeper into his chest feeling all the feelings I had missed over the last few months.
We made it into the top three bands so we were called back on stage. I stumbled onto the stage, still high on everything that had happened.
‘Ok guys, you were all brilliant,’ said the presenter down the microphone. ‘But, the third runner up goes to…….REPUBLIC OF LOOSE!’
The band Republic of Loose looked a bit upset but smiled all the same and the crowd loved them.
‘Ok,’ continued the presenter. ‘The first runner up…of Battle Of The Bands 2005….is ….’
I looked over at Brendon at the side of the stage and he gave me and encouraging wink.
Ok, so we didn’t win! But we were still ecstatic. I jumped on Kyle and then ran over to Brendon who kissed me. We won 5000 dollars that night and we lost to a band who had been in the competition four times all ready so we were chuffed! I felt happier than I had felt in a long time.

Note from Author: I may have ‘borrowed’ the band names……. Just because I’m not very original :D