Love is life and if you miss love, you miss life

Chapter 20

‘Love is life. And if you miss love you miss life.’ Leo Buscaglia

Brendon’s POV

Years passed and I considered Lily as my child. I saw her as often as I could and took her away for a few weeks in the summer. Over the years we grew close and Sass was happy to see Lily with a father.
I still had so much love for Sass but as we both grew older the flame dithered and died. We both never re-married though. We all got together for special events like birthdays and Christmas but I got my own job and a house in a town about two hours away from where they lived.
Soon I was seventy-five and I watched my grandchildren play at my feet. Lily walked in and kissed me on the head.
‘Hi Dad,’ she smiled. She knew I might not be her Dad, but to her I was and always will be her father.
Then Sass walked in and smiled at me. She looked beautiful in her old age. I got up and went over to her and kissed her cheek.
‘You look ravishing,’ I smiled and she laughed.
We were all together for Jamie’s birthday, Lily's eldest boy of eleven. Her husband watched through the video camera lens. Jules and Darren and their families were their too including Lea who was now Darren’s wife as they were close family friends. Kyle had died in a car crash when he was forty-two. Director had done well for themselves and Jules and Kyle both had a good bit of cash. Even Ryan showed up. We were best friends even thought I knew he might be Lily’s father. I looked around the room realising everyone in the world that I loved was there and I felt like crying because I should be over there married to Sass. Not here, as a lonely old man.
The day had been wonderful and I was sad to see it end. I returned to an empty house. I was grateful for such a good family but I wish it all could have been different.
The years kept flying by until I was a very old man. The day I had dreaded the most arrived. I got the call that Sass was sick.

Sarah’s POV

I lay on my bed knowing I wasn’t going to be around for much longer. I saw my grandchildren smiling down on me and I was so grateful to have had such a good life. There was things I obviously regret but at least I’m not dying a lonely old woman but sometimes I wondered what would have happened if Brendon and I had spent our whole lives together. Would things have been different? Everyone I loved sat near me and talked to me including Brendon. I love Brendon. The biggest mistake of my life was not getting it right with him. After that, I have no regrets.

Brendon’s POV

Sass died that night and a part of me died too. Before she left she gave me her journal and told me to read it. I waited until I got home before I opened the book.
It was full of Sass’s handwriting and dotted with pictures and colours. I read the whole thing, crying softly to myself. I read about when we first met and how she described me. She wrote about how much she loved me. Everything had been so perfect back then. So easy. Then I turned to the pages where everything had began to crumble around us. Soon I reached the last page to see a letter written by Sass to me.

‘Dear Brendon,

I give you this journal so you understand that I did love you and I never stopped loving you. All these years I’ve had a gaping whole in my heart that I missed because of you. I knew I could’ve taken you back but I never fully forgave you and I didn’t think it would be good for Lily. Brendon, I wish I could turn back time and go back and change the things I did. I wish I could have held you and never let you go. But we made mistakes, but we both had good lives Brendon. You were successful and got everything you wanted out of life. I had Lily and a family. We both got to watch her grow and have a family of her own. So, when you read this I hope you understand everything. I hope you forgive me for not taking you back. And Brendon, you are Lily’s father. I love you.


My whole body shook as I sobbed. All I wanted was Sass. I realised I had missed out on the love of my life. I had let Sarah get away and now I can never have her back. I too wish I could go back and change some things. I wish I had grown old with Sarah as a happily married couple but I didn’t and I’m sorry for that. I wished I had been there to watch my daughter take her first steps or teach her to ride a bicycle. I looked up at the wall were all Panic! at the Disco’s achievements were. I realised that it all wasn’t right without Sass.
I closed the journal, pressing it close to my heart and closed my eyes. I never looked back.

Love is life, and if you miss love you miss life.

The End.

(so I know the ending sucked and was a bit rushed but I really felt this story was crap so yeah you can comment it if you wanna and em thanks for reading :D )