Love is life and if you miss love, you miss life

Chapter 4

‘Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye’ Jackson Brown, Jr

I woke up early and showered. I felt like I had to look my best but as I was dolling myself up I kept asking myself ‘What am I doing? This is Brendon we’re talking about.’ But I just kept going anyways.
I threw on my denim skirt, which I had cut the pockets out and lined them with an old pair of neon pink tights. I wore black vans and a small orange top under a black overall, which I topped of with a multi-coloured starry scarf. I felt my necklace just below my bust line, to make sure it was there.
I caught a twelve o clock bus and my stomach churned again as I saw Brendon grinning up at me from the bus stop. He looked gorgeous in some skinny jeans and a t-shirt and his hair all straight. I hugged him for longer than I should have.
‘Brendon! You don’t know how happy I am that you’re here!’ I laughed.
‘I just can’t believe I found you,’ he smiled. ‘I mean I was devastated the day you left.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I replied.
‘Oh don’t be silly, Sarah, how could you have known. I just missed you a lot is all.’
‘Ha! Missed me kicking the shit into you!’
‘Hey! I was small for my age and you were like the Hulk.’
‘Hahahaha. Yeah, that’s true. So, do you like my new girlier side?’ I said doing a twirl and batting my eyelashes. Brendon laughed, god, I loved his laugh.
‘Yeah. I love it. You look amazing Sarah.’
I blushed and we both just walked in silence for a minute.
‘You feel like an ice-cream?’ I asked.
‘Once you don’t throw it at my face, on my head or in any other area like you used to.’
‘Come on Brendon. I’m older now! Much more mature.’
‘Yeah. Sure!’
‘I’ll show you.’ I laughed as I went up and got two ice creams. I handed it two him and we just grinned at each other for a few minutes, politely licking our ice creams until I couldn’t help myself and stuck it into his shirt. He yelled and jumped up and chased me to the beach. He pulled me two the ground and we were really close. I mean uber-close. His nose was almost touching mine. I felt his hand on my back where it had been gripping the back of my top when he pulled me down but now it was holding me. We gazed at each other and just as he moved in I turned away. I couldn’t kiss him. I mean I know I have kissed him before but that wasn’t proper and it’s just so soon. I was kinda afraid.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I didn’t mean to make things awkward.’
‘No, it’s ok,’ I smiled. ‘It’s just all a little too fast for me. I mean I haven’t seen you in five years.’
So, we sat and we talked. We told each other everything we had missed. Brendon is really into his music. He plays the guitar and the keyboard and he wants to start up a band. He lives in the same house and apparently my Dad moved out shortly after we left.
‘Yeah, he just got up and left. I don’t know where to. Now, it’s being inhabited by some old people that I’m not sure are still alive. I mean I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in delight!’
We talked for almost three hours until the beach was almost empty. I gave him a huge hug and stepped onto the bus. I sat at the back and turned to wave out the back window. He stood there and I watched him fade away. It was an image I knew all too well.