In a Perfect World

Part 9.

July 2nd.

"Tom... Tomi... Thomas... Tom-Tom..." With each word, Bill kept poking my side, annoying the heck out of me. I clenched my phone in my hand to keep from yelling at him while watching T.V.

"Yes, Bill?" It came out more like a growl then a question, which is why Bill looked a little taken back.

"Tomibear, be nice to Billabong," Kitten, our little sister, said crawling onto Bill's lap with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in her tiny hands. Bill nodded and stuck his tongue out at me.

"What do need, Billabong?"

"I was going to ask when I get to meet Kat?" He huffed and crossed arms, pouting. Kitten just watched us intently while taking small bites into her sandwich.

"Never," I simply replied and turned my attention back to the T.V. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bill's jaw ajar. Kitten, still having no idea what we were talking about, remained silent.

"What do you mean, Never?" He stood up, causing Kitten to slip off his lap and onto the floor, and placed his hands on his hips. "I'm your brother! I should be able to meet your girlfriend!"

"Yeah, my brother. Which is why I don't want you to meet her," I told him, "at least, not yet."

"Bill, you hurt my butt," Kitten said. She stood up and picked up the sandwich she dropped on the floor. "And you made me drop my food!"

I sighed and stood up from the couch. I scooped up Kitten and walked over to the bed where the room service menu was. I picked up the phone and called while Kitten looked over the menu.

"I want this, Tomibear," Kitten pointed to the kid side of Hamburger & fries, and chocolate milk.

"It'll be up in five minutes. That's your lunch, remember that," I said. My phone started vibrating. I checked the caller ID then quickly picked it up.

"Hello, Beautiful" I said, a grin appearing on my face. Right then and there, I felt like a Jonas Brother. "What's up?"

"Come over," Kat said. "And bring your swim suit. We're going to the beach."

- - - - - - - - - -


I looked over my bathing suit one more time before throwing clothes over top of it to cover myself up.

"Where are you going?" I turned around and saw Jesse standing in my doorway, a concerned look on his face. He looked over my outfit. "Please tell me you're spending the day with Miley."

"Yep, because Miley has a lip ring and dreadlocks," I said sarcastically. The look on Jesse's face was priceless and made me want to giggle.

"You're going somewhere with Tom?" He asked. I nodded. "Where?"

"The beach, Jesse! Just the beach" I said. "You're acting like we're going to some sex club."

"You never know," I heard Jesse mumbled under his breath before walking away. I rolled my eyes. What happened to letting me do what I want to do?

There was a loud honking sound, followed by Jesse calling my name. "I'm coming," I called back down. I took one look at myself before running out the door and jumping in Tom's car.

"Hey handsome," I smiled and kissed him on the lips. He smiled and kissed back. We reluctantly pulled away and he started driving.

"So, why the beach?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road. My mind told me just to tell him about the nightmare I had, but heart ached for me to tell him about the tour.

"I have two things to tell you," I said and bit my lower lip. "I'm going on tour. I don't know when, but it's supposed to be soon." He nodded and told me to continue.

"You'll laugh at the second one."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It's a little... Childish," I told him. "You'll laugh and make fun of me like Cody did when I told him."

"I promise I won't," He said as we pulled up to a red light.

"I had a nightmare." Cue the laughter from Tom. "See! I told you, you would laugh!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He tried apologizing, but his laughter told me he wasn't. "Continue. What was it about?"

"Jesse died," I told him and he started laughing again. I huffed and crossing my arms, pouting. "It's not funny, Tom. I messed up at one of my concerts because of that dream."

He didn't stop laughing. Even when the light turned green and the car started moving, he was still chuckling beside me. It was like that the rest of the ride to the beach.

- - - - - - - - - -

"What are you doing?" I asked as I watched Tom lay down his beach towel and lay on it.

"I'm working on my tan," he said. "What are you doing?"

"I was going to go in the water, because that's what I thought we came here to do," I replied. "Besides, I wanted to show you my bathing suit."

"Show me in an hour, 'kay babe?" Tom said and continued tanning. I placed my hands on my hips before an idea came to mind. I took off my clothes, revealing my bathing suit, and ran in the water.

For a good 5 minutes I just played around in it, getting my hair and body soaking wet. Then I got out and ran back to the towel. "Hey sexy," I straddled Tom, "Miss me?"

I grabbed my hair and ringed, getting the water on Tom. He shot up, his face nearly inches form mine. His eyes traveled downwards.

"I love your bathing suit, Kat."

"I'm glad," I replied. I grabbed his hand and tried pulling him to his feet. "Now come in the water. I'm bored."

He groaned and stood up. Next thing I knew, I was being thrown over his shoulder and carried down to the ocean. "Tom, put me down," I commanded but he didn't listen.

"You wanted me to come in the water with you, so I am," He told me, completely ignoring my command.

My body hit the water and I went under. When I came up, there stood a laughing Tom. I glared at him playfully.

"Haha, yeah. That's so funny," I said sarcastically. "Let's see how you like it!" I started slashing him and it didn't seem like he was enjoying it too much.

"Watch the dreads, Kat," He said. He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me out deeper. I ended up wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He placed his lips against mine in a soft, sweet kiss. I gladly kissed him back. His tongue slid across my bottom lip and I gave him entrance. Soon enough, our tongue's battled for dominance.

I was so caught up in the kiss I hadn't felt him walking back towards shore until I felt the cold hit my body. His hands were on my legs, supporting me.

He laid me down the sand and got on top of me, our lips not leaving each others once. Nothing could ruin this moment.

♠ ♠ ♠
I put Kitten in the story (:
Amazing, right? I thought so.
If you don't know who she is, she's from my other story, The Voice Within. You don't really have to read it, but it would be nice if you did (:
I'm also thinking of putting Kat in The Voice Within. But I'm still thinking about that. Tell me if you want Kat in my other story or not. But I'm definitely keeping Kitten in this story (:

Rate. Subscribe. Comment.
I want three comments from different people who haven't commented my story yet. Mainly those people who subscribed and those silent readers.
P.S. Katelyn & Ana, you guys won't count but you can still comment (;

Now, I'm being serious. I'm about to start whoring my stories. I know it's wrong & I know I said I hated it so that would make me a total hypocrite, but I seriously want my subscribers to comment on this story. There is no reason for you guys not too.

Its being picky and I should be writing for myself but I read a Tom story where it had over 30 subscribers and 22 comments after being up for two days where as this story has been up for months. I also noticed this girl went around asking people to read her story. Just so you know, that's what it means to whore your story.