In a Perfect World

Part 2.

I lifted my head to meet the eyes of a boy with dirty blonde dreadlocks and baggy clothes, wearing a flat peak cap and holding coffee in his left hand. "Aren't you Kat McCartney?" He asked, sitting down across from me.

I put a finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet as I slowly removed my hood, wig, and sunglasses. "How did you know it was me?" I asked with raised eye brows.

He shrugged, "Your voice." I blinked. I didn't know how that was possible. Was it? Hell, if Jesse wore I wig and was talking to me, I would've thought he was a complete stranger. Tom notice the distant, confused look on my face and gave a light chuckle.

"You're extremely famous; it isn't hard to point you out," He said, taking a sip of his coffee. I was impressed, sort of. He didn't look like the type of person to listen to my music. But then again, it could be because of the tabloids.

"So, you know my name. What's yours?" I asked, drinking some of my coffee as well, while I tried guessing his age in my head. I guessed about, 17 or 18.

"My name is Kaulitz," He said. "Tom Kaulitz." I stifled a giggle at his impression of James Bond. I was starting to like this guy. He smiled back at me, his foot bumped mine slightly. I bumped it back, causing his smirk to grow larger while I thought nothing of it.

"I've heard that name before." I looked out the window, watching people walk by. I could still feel Tom looking at me. "Aren't you in a band...?"

"Tokio Hotel." He took a large sip of coffee. "I'm the lead guitarist."

"Aren't you the only guitarist?"

Tom shrugged, "Still the lead guitarist."

"You're also Germany's biggest Playboy, am I right?" I asked, raising an eye brow. I finished off my coffee and decided to wait until he was done.

"I guess you could say that." He smirked. "Aren't you dating Nick Jonas?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nope. And I'm not dating Taylor Lautner, either," I replied. He raised a brow at what I said. I remembered that the Taylor rumors hadn't started and wouldn't start until the movie was being filmed. "Uh, you'll know why later."

He nodded and finished his coffee. Right when we were about to get up, the paparazzi came swarming in flashing their cameras and asking questions.

"Well, Kat, who is this?"

"Is Tom you're new boyfriend?"

"Playing footsie's under the table, I see."

My face paled and my eyes widened in shock. Footsie's? What do they mean, footsie's? I then realized me and Tom were still playing with each others feet.

Uh-oh. This is NOT good!
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Banners would be cool?
Short, I know. But it's like, 12:00 in the morning and I have to go to bed. No more updats until I at leaste get five comments :)
Dedicated to: tomklover1.