In a Perfect World

Part 4.

"Tom, will you put down your phone and listen to me please?" David's voice brought my gaze from my Sidekick to him. "Who are you texting anyway?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Just a girl." And not just any girl; Kat McCartney.

"Like I was saying," David rolled his eyes and continued talking, "you guys have an interview at Twelve o'clock tomorrow, then a sound check at Six and the concert is at Eight. Got it?"

Everyone else nodded, but my phone had vibrated and the screen light up, telling me I had a new text message. David once again rolled his eyes and then left. Bill came over and sat beside me, trying to look over my shoulder. "Who are you texting, Tomi?"

"A girl," I replied simply. I quickly pressed 'send' and put my phone in my pocket before he could see who I was talking to. Bill crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip in a pout.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because, Bill," I sighed, "I can't. I just can't."

Bill continued his pouting, and stared at the ground. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I fished it out. But before I could open it, Bill grabbed my phone from my hands and looked at the screen.

His eyes widened.

His jaw dropped.

Here comes the lecture.
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"Cody! Cody! Did you hear?" Paparazzi came flying at me, left and right, flashing their cameras and taking as many pictures as they could. The only thing was, What was I supposed to have heard?

"Excuse me, but I have no idea as to what you are talking about," I stated simply, trying to get past the nuisance and to my car.

"You haven't heard? Here, take a look." The guy handed me a magazine and on the front cover was a picture of Kat with some guy playing footsie's under the table. Well, that's what it looked like.

"Go to page 14." I flipped it open and it was bigger picture of her and the guy. I learned his name was Tom Kaulitz and that he was a guitarist of some German band called Tokio Hotel.

Tom Kaulitz. Tokio Hotel.

Where have a I heard those names before?

That's when it clicked. Tokio Hotel was nationally famous band from Germany(duh!) who are on their American Tour. And Tom Kaulitz was the player of the band.

"Can I keep this?" I asked the guy. "I'll pay you. How much?"

The guy shook his head. "No, no, take it. Its quit alright. So, I'm guessing you haven't heard about Kat and Tom?"

"No, I haven't," I said. "I haven't talked to Kat in a while. But I'll make sure to ask her about this."
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Shoot scene.

Text Tom.

Ten minute break.

Text Tom.

Shoot next scene.

Text Tom.


Text Tom.

Shoot another scene.

Text Tom.

Did you noticed the pattern here? If you haven't, you must not be paying very much attention then.

All day, I've been texting Tom. We were talking about absolutly nothing- what we were doing today, tomorrow, favorite food, color, animal, our family, our friends, ect, ect. Recently, I've been looking into Tokio Hotel. I have their CD, three band t-shirts and a poster. And I was able to buy it all without paparazzi finding out.

Well, at least, I thought.

"Kat, come in here please!" Jesse called form the break room. I quickly pressed send on my phone, replying back to Tom and shut it.

"Yes, my wonderful big brother?" I entered the break room with a grin, but the look on Jesse's face was completely different. It was a mix between anger and disappointment. I bit my bottom lip, afraid of what was going to happen.

Instead of giving me an answer, he gestured towards the TV.

"Is Kat McCartney dating the lead guitarist for Germany's hottest band, Tokio Hotel's Tom Kaulitz?"

Pictures flashed on the screen, playing the chorus to my song "Boyfriend." The pictures were of us the day we were at Starbucks, our feet(of course!) and me... BUYING THEIR MERCHANDISE!

I slumped down next to Jesse on the couch. The interviewer continued.

"Kat McCartney, 15 years old, was spotted at Starbucks with him on June 23rd, three days ago. They were caught playing footsie's sunder the table. And don't most couples do that?

"She was also spotted buy Tokio Hotel merchandise at Hot Topic yesterday. She had bought their CD, 3 shirts and a poster. Well, I know what that tells me? What does it tell you?

"One thing I'm worried about is: Tom has a reputation for being a player. Would he drop it for her... Or will he leave her heart broken? Either way, He'll still have to deal with Jesse."

"Okay, Jesse, listen-"

"I know you like Him, Kat," Jesse cut in. "So I'm not stopping you from talking to him." I looked at my older brother in disbelief. Wasn't it him who told me not to talk to him.

"I was just like you. When I really liked a girl, I didn't let anyone stand in my way of being with her, regardless of the consequences."

"Thank you, Jesse." I embraced my older brother in a hug. "You are the best brother in the world."

"I know, I know," He hugged me tightly back, "but the guy on the TV was right. He has to go through my very own interrogation."

Oh, God.
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"He was a skater boy,
She said See ya later boy."

"Yo, yo, yo, What it do, Homie G?" I answered my phone. If your wondering, then Yes, that is how I answer my phone, unless its someone I don't know. But it was Cody, so I was fine.

"Explain it, Kat. Are you dating him?"

"What, no hello?"

"Kat." His voice was stern.

"No I'm not dating Tom," I replied, the quickly added, "Yet."

Then I pressed end.

Oh, I was going to get a mouthful the next time I see him.
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Kind of fillerish, I guess. Oh well, at least I updated, right? So, here's what I want for the next chapter to be posted. 5 messages. FIVE. Silent readers must comment : )
Plus, I need more subscribers.

Btw; If you haven't noticed, instead of writing "Tom's P.O.V" or "Kat's P.O.V" I am going to use icons to show whose point of view it is. That goes for ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY. Including minor characters like Miley Cyrus or Mitchell Musso.

Also, i need to correct a mistake I've made that I had noticed after going back and re-reading everything.
It's JUNE almost JULY of 2008, meaning Tom is still 18 and Kat is still 15 (she was born in August, on the 17th.) So, yeah. Just to clear that up.

Xo, Tiffany = )

P.S. If you want to make a banner, that would be nice : )
Kathrin is portrayed by Katie Babyfayce -- a scene model.

© "Boyfriend" Ashlee Simpson.
Title credit: Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis.