In a Perfect World

Part 5.

Date: June 29th, 2008.
Time: 5:47 PM.

I was so comfortable, sitting on my bed in my silky pajama's while playing Halo on my XBOX360. Hadn't done anything else besides this basically all day. I didn't need to go in to the studio today and I had the day off from shooting.

"Sometimes I wonder about you." I heard Jesse chuckle from my door way. I didn't look away from my game. I didn't need to, I knew it was him. "Have you done anything else at all today?"

I shook my head. "No. I didn't feel like going anywhere today. Is that a crime?" I replied. I pressed pause and looked at my older sibling who had walked in the room and sat next to me on my bed. He took the controller from me and started playing.

"I guess not. But, it's just-- Crap!! Where did that come from?!" Jesse started randomly pressing buttons when he was suddenly being shot at from nowhere(in the game, of course). "No, no! This way! This way!"

"Jesse!" I snatched the remote form his hand and paused my game once again. "Please continue what you were saying...?"

"Oh, right," He thought for a minute. "It's just, you always complain about not having any time to go shopping because you're always doing something. And now's your chance."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I got up and shut off my XBOX360. "You know who I haven't talked to in a while?"


"Lea and Timmy. Where are they?" If you know about the McCartney clan, then you'd know me and Jesse aren't the only two children My parents had. There was Lea, my just-turned 17 year old sister and my little, 11 year old brother, Timmy.

Yes, Scott and Ginger had more then two kids, and yes, they loved them all dearly. Except, Scott was nowhere to be found.

"Lea went to the mall with some friends and Timmy's next door playing with Greg," Jesse told me.

"Hey Jesse," I said once I suddenly noticed something. "Why are you all dressed up?"

"Oh, yeah! That's what I needed to tell you!" He got up and walked to the door. "The Jonas's are coming over for dinner in an hour so you have to get dressed...."


I raced to my closet and threw on a pair of clothes. Jesse was so dead when dinner was over.

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"Cody, are going to do anything today?" My father asked me. I was sitting on my couch watching TV and eating red licorice. Seriously, that was all I was doing today. I had absolutely nothing planned.

Everyone knows I'm in over my head,
Over my head.
With eight seconds left in over time,
She's on your mind,
She's on your-

"Hello?" I answered my cell phone after. Immediately, a voice spoke and I recognized it to be Kat.

"Oh, my God! Cody, get your butt to my house right now, you're eating dinner with us!" She yelled, causing me to wince slightly and pulled the phone away from my ear for a minute.



Now that really hurt my ear. "Alright, alright," I said. "I'll be there in a bit but as soon as get there, explain why."

"I won't need to," She sighed, and I heard a click, meaning she hung up. I flipped my phone shut and went upstairs to my room.

"Where are you going?" My father asked.

"I'm getting dressed and heading down to Kat's house," I called back, "I'm having dinner there so don't wait up!"

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"Are you boys ready?" My mother called from down stairs. Joe made a dash down the hall from his room, past my door with Kevin following behind. I adjusted my tie one more time and ran down the hall.

"Can't wait to see your girlfriend?" Joe smirked as we all piled into the car. "She is your girlfriend, isn't she? Or, wait! Is she Tom-"

"Dude, shut up," I snapped. I turned on my iPod and looked out the window, ignoring my brothers. Jealousy built up in my stomach at the thought of Kat and Tom Kaulitz dating.

They aren't dating, I thought. It's just what paparazzi think. Paparazzi are always wrong.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Tomi..." Bill eyed me as I looked myself in the mirror, adjusting my white jacket. "Are you going out tonight?"

I grinned, adjusting my hat, and nodded. "Yes," I replied. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "And you can't come, Billa."

He crossed his arms, pouting. "Fine," He huffed. "I'll just annoy the crap out of Georg and Gustav."

I snorted, "Have fun." I grabbed my keys and walked out of my hotel room. Tobi escorted me to my car and I left to go to Kat's. I planned on taking her out tonight, even though I didn't call and ask her.

But, hey. I'm Tom Kaulitz. She won't be able to say no.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The door bell rang, much to my dismay, and my mother squealed. "They're here!" I don't know why she was so happy to see them, it's not like they weren't here last week for dinner.

All four boys entered the room, as well as Dennis and Paul Sr. They all wore smiles, but I swear to god, Nick's was the biggest.

"It's nice of you guys to come for dinner," I smiled, "yet again." Joe smiled widely and replied, "Our pleasure."

The door bell rang and a sign of relief washed over me. "I'll get it," I said, and went to answer the door. There stood Cody, in a simple pair of jeans and white t-shirt and white hoodie.

"Thank you for coming," I mumbled, stepping aside and letting him in.

"You're welcome," He muttered back and stepped inside. My mother came over, with a not so pleased look on her face. "Hello, Mrs. McCartney." My mom directed her gaze to me.

"Yeah... I told him to come. I haven't had him over in forever!" I said. My mother sighed and walked to the living room but mouthed, 'We'll talk about this latter'.

"Go in the living room and surprise the Jonas'," I said, taking his jacket for him. "And make sure you act like you never knew they were going to be here."

Cody nodded and went into the living room. I hung his jacket in the closet and was about to go back to the living room, when the door bell rang again. But when I answered it, I was really surprised.

"Tom, what are you doing here?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so FACT TIME:
1.) Scott didn't actually leave. As far as I'm concerned, he's still there and of course, loves his family dearly.

2.) If you haven't figured it out, Cody and Kat are BEST FRIENDSSo, of course, she's going to call him for back up.

3.) There won't be a lot of Taylor. In fact, I'm think about taking him out of this story in the 10th or 11th chapter. Only because I'm not a very big fan of him anymore and if he's only there when they shoot the movie, what's the point in keeping him in the story?

4.) This IS a TOM KAULITZ story. Of course, with the side/none major pairing with Nick. But don't expect a lot of romance to be going on between Kat and Nick. Hell, there might not be any.

5.) The Taylor/Kat pairing will be replaced with a different pairing. I'm not saying who, though, I'll give you a hint.
He is an ACTOR and a somewhat SINGER.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Part 2 of this chapter will be up as soon as I can get it up. Comment or Rate.

xo, Tiffany:)