In a Perfect World

Part 5.


"Tom, what are you doing here?" I asked the guitarist standing in my doorway. For some odd reason, he had a large grin plastered across his face. He adjusted his jacket, and glanced down at his feet for a moment.

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie..." His eyes traveled to mine. "With me?"

I sighed. "Right now?" Tom nodded. "This isn't a very good time, Tom," I explained. "We have people over and we're about to eat dinner-"

"Your Tom Kaulitz?" Jesse asked, even though it was more like a statement. He walked up and stood beside me, sticking out his hand. "I'm Jesse. Nice to finally meet you." And he just had to put emphasis on 'finally.'

"Jesse, Kat, come on," enter, Ginger McCartney, "It's time to... Who are you?' The way my mother asked it wasa little really rude.

"This is Tom Kaulitz, mom," Jesse told her, smiling widely. Something about Jesse wasn't right, and it was scaring me. "And, he's joining us for dinner!"

Both mine and my mothers eyes widened, "What?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Dinner was pretty awkward. Tom sat between me and Jesse. Lea was next to Jesse. Next to me was Cody. Then my Mom and Timmy on the ends, then Joe, Kevin, Denise, and Paul.

"So, Tom..." Joe started, "Where's the rest of your band?"

"Out clubbing, probably," He replied and took a sip of his drink. "They were still at the hotel when I left but they could've left too."

"That's surprising," I heard Cody mumble under his breath before shoving a piece of steak in his mouth. I glared at him before turning to Tom.

"So why are you here?" Joe asked.

"I came to ask if Kat wanted to go see a movie with me and dinner after," *cue blush* "But you guys were having dinner. I didn't want to interrupt-"

"Oh your not!" Jesse piped up. "I'm glad to be finally meeting my future brother-in-law." My eyes widened and, if its possible, my face got even redder. By now, Nick was giving Tom the dirtiest look possible. But wait, didn't he say he was a fan?

"Jesse," I hissed. My brother looked at me with a smile. "Be quiet."

"Yes, Jesse," My mother sipped her wine, "Let's not go that far. I mean, your sister is only fifteen. Anything can happen." What was that supposed to mean? My phone vibrated in my pocket.

One new text.
From Cody.

'I don't like this guy.'

I sighed and typed back.

'Oh well, I do.'

Okay, so that wasn't the smartest thing to say because when Cody received it his eyes widened. Then he sighed and shook his head. It wasn't long after, I received another text from him.

'I wish you didn't.'

I know, Cody. I know.

- - - - - - - - - -

Dinner finally ended, and The Jonai and Cody left. Tom stayed for a little while longer to talk to Jesse. At this point, I didn't care. I was upstairs in my room, listening to anything that came on the radio.

"And now, here is Kat McCartney's new song, Paparazzi!"

Oh yes, I was inspired by them. After that day at Starbucks, I had wrote a whole new song and dedicated it to them, because I'm so nice. Right?

"Knock, knock," A German accent came from behind my door. A small smile appeared on my lips and I got up to go answer it. I opened it and there stood Tom.

"You’re a dork," I told him, leaning against my door frame. "How did you get up here without my mom and Jesse knowing?"

"I'm supposed to be using the bathroom," He replied. I silently mouthed 'Oh' and nodded. "But, I came to say Bye. I'm leaving."

"Really? So sad," I said sarcastically and put on a fake pout.

"I knew you would be sad," Tom sighed, "But Jesse said I couldn't say the night." I looked at him confused.

"Don't tell me you actually asked that."

"Well... No. But," Tom bit his lower lip and looked me directly in the eyes, "I want to, uh, try something. Close your eyes." I shrugged and did as he said. Not ten seconds later, I felt his warm breath against my face and his lips molded onto mine.

I started kissing back, and I swear I felt Tom smile. His lip ring was cold against my lips but it felt good. His tongue ran along my lower lip and I opened my mouth, letting his tongue slip in. It felt... weird.

Our tongue's wrestled for dominance and eventually Tom won. But soon, we were interrupted by a voice and pulled away once we heard Timmy squeal,

"Ew, I can see your tongues!"

Thank you, Timmy. Thank you.
♠ ♠ ♠
First Kiss!
Amazing, right?
I thought so..
This chapter is dedicated to Katelyn.
Click. <-- That's her Quizilla.

If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
xo, Tiffany.