Forbidden Mirror

Chpt 1

I gasped and panted.Little droplets of sweat trickled down my face.I put my hand on my face.The hot,irony,red liquid stained my dainty fingers.It's gross.I turned to look at him.His pupils were dilated and he was staring right at me.The pencil that penetrated his body,was covered in blood that continued to stream down.My eyes fell to my hands.Ha.He's dead,isn't he?Haha.Yeah.He even tormented me till his very last second.It's his fault.It's ALL his fault.NOT MINE.I crawled towards him and touched his cold,lifeless hand.You deserved it.I hate you!I pulled out the pencil from his ribs and stabbed him more.Blood splattered onto my face.I scrutinised him,right under my chin.I wiped of the DIRT on my face,though dirtying it even more.I closed my eyes and glanced back at the dead body.I covered my mouth.What is this mess?Au...stin?A tear stinged the corner of my eye and before i knew it,I was crying profusely.A blur came over me.I'm waking up from this nightmare...ain't i?

"GOOD MORNING,Shirley!"I was greeted warmly by my best friend,Megan Krause."Ah,good morning,Megan."I closed my locker as i took out my history textbook for the first period."Hey,hey,did you hear?"Megan said excitedly."There's a new student transferring to our class!"
"Yeah,and so?Our lives is not gonna change just because of a new student."I replied calmly."Geez,Shirley is always so level-headed."She pouted.I grinned broadly.It was not that i was always this calm,i just didn't think that some things are worth all that fuss."I wonder if it will be a girl or boy..."Megan said,eyes trailing upwards."It'll be great if it was a handsome guy!"She started drifting off into her imagination,there were hearts on her eyes."Always thinking bout guys,huh?What about Ethan?"I laughed.She started to flush and punch me."Shirley!"
"Good morning."Hyde walked by us and gave us a little wave."M-Morning!"Megan bowed down,I bet she was blushing furiously.I giggled.Then,I noticed Hyde's gaze.I glanced back for a second,then smiled."Morning,Ethan."He smiled gently and walked down to his next lesson's room.I stared blankly and sighed."AHHHHHH!What to do?Ethan caught me in my barbaric behaviour!"Megan face was so red and she was practically horsing around in embarrassment."So you knew you were barbaric,huh?"I said.She froze and stared at me,then started wailing in my chest.So this was Ethan Hyde,he was this sophomore guy that Megan has a crush on.Well,not surprising since he was really handsome,smart and had a good personality.We all met in the tennis club,where Megan dragged me to accompany her.Sigh.

"This is Andrew Miller.He will be joining this class."the teacher introduced.This guy sent girls screaming the whole room off.He had good features,tall and his soft dark hair was swaying gently to the breeze.Most importantly,I actually sweated when i first saw him walked into the room.There was this familiar presence from him that was indescribable.Have i seen him before?"Totally hot!"Megan whispered to me."Too bad i have Ethan already."."Even though you're already crushing on Ethan,you're still boy-crazy."I said.She stuck out a tongue to me.He walked down and settled in the seat beside me."Lucky!Shirley!"Megan winked at me.I sweat-dropped.I didn't really like hanging round with guys in the beginning,I didn't think i'd ever speak to him though.But i just couldn't help but lay my eyes on him eventually.He didn't talk much,and always had these cold eyes,I wondered if he was cold-blooded.

"So.....Andrew totally swept you off your feet,right?"Megan smirked.I perked up,"HUH?No way.He is so anti-social!Like i will fall in love with him!"I defended myself.Then we stopped.Miller was staring right at us.Shoot."If you don't mind,please don't block the way."We immediately shifted positions and he walked off.Megan howled in laughter."Shirley,you got it good,i bet he heard everything!"
"Is this something that should be laughed at?"I asked,more like totally embarrassed.Megan then rushed home as today was her turn to do housework.Gosh,that was so unpredictable.I continued my way down the corridor and noticed a photo on the floor.It was a pair of young twins and they had dark hair like Miller.They seemed to have a good relationship from the likes of the photo.Then i realised,it IS his photo of him and his brother.Shirley,you are so ugly!Ugh.A sudden headache.The more i looked at it,the more it seemed familiar to me.This had become troublesome.Should i leave it or return it back to him?After just now,i didn't really feel like confronting him.Tap,tap!Footsteps came running even closer.His face slowly became clear,it was Miller.He was pespiring and looking flustered.I stared surprisingly at him.Not even finding my answer yet,the answer came to me itself.He then saw the photo in my hand.
"Give it back."He said coldly."Is this the way you should ask for something?"I said,angry."What are you saying?I'm just taking my property back."he replied.

"I didn't know you had a twin."
"None of your business."
"Is he studying in a different school?"
"Shut up."

I was ridden with shock.He snatched the photo from my hands.My eyes widened and i spaced out.He shot me a repulsive glance."Sorry.I didn't know it was that important to you."Ba-dump.The sadness that showed through his eyes pierced my heart."He...passed away."What?
"I-I didn't know-"
"He was killed!"He was getting agitated and I was at a loss of words."He was still so young!Yet he was killed by the girl he loved!"He collapsed to the ground.There were droplets shining on the ground.My head suddenly ached again.I winced."He was cruelly stabbed in his stomach with a pencil!"He shouted,his voice was shivering.Sting.Killed?Stomach?Pencil?I opened my eyes and looked at Miller.I can see that small figure in him now.A young Miller.Not Andrew Miller,but Austin Miller.
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Pls comment,need to know if i should continue it