Stay With Me, Don't Let Go


Maybe I should explain myself and how I got a crush, fell in love, and got over-obsessed with my worst enemy's brother...

First of all, my name is Amelia Stewart, seventeen years of age at the moment. People call me Amy or sometimes Lia.

I have dark brown hair with annoying curls flowing at the end. I also have a pair of torquoise eyes with dark blue around the edges. I've always wanted a tan - since I'm, like, Snow White - but never really came round to it.

I haven't loved, or liked, anyone since that day I met Will, my enemy's brother, two years ago. Sure I see some cute boy every now and then, but I don't exactly feel anything when I see their faces, unlike what happens with me and Will.

Well, I was fifteen at the time, two years ago, when I first met Lana's brother. My school, Colden High, has a Winter Dance each year. The Winter Dance was the only dance throughout the school year where you could bring your friends or family.

So, Lana came with her brother and I fell for him. I always used to attend dances and proms in the school years, but without a boy. I never, ever used to go with a boy. I don't exactly know why but I liked to watch people dance and having fun.

Anyway, so, Mr. Wilson, the headteacher, announced the Winter King and Queen. Everyone knew that Lana was going to be Queen, seeing that she's the most popular in school, and also, in my opinion, a spoilt brat.

So, Mr. Wilson informed everyone the King and Queen - Lana Henning and, the most popular boy in the school, Kyle Mason. Lana and Kyle went up, linking arms (they were dating at the time, but now they broke up for some reason), and an older boy and girl went up after them. I was confused why there was a boy and a girl walking behind Lana and Kyle. They never did that in the school Winter Dances.

But, when Lana made her speech, she introduced Will, her smexy brother. And, after Lana's speech, Kyle introduced his sister, Jenny Mason. At first, I thought that Will and Jenny were an item, but later on, Mr. Wilson told everyone that, from now on, the chosen King and Queen had to bring someone in - someone close - and introduce them to everyone.

So, that was what Lana and Kyle did. I fell for Will immediately. After the whole King and Queen thing, nearly all the girls came up and flirted, but I just watched him with curious eyes, wanting to know more about him. I tried to stop myself from being jealous at all the girls that Will danced with and also, the girls who got kissed by Will on their cheeks.

Then surprisingly, after a quick ten minutes of just watching Will, he came up to me. Uh-huh. He came up to me! I thought that he was just looking around for another girl to dance with, but as I looked around, no one was near me and I looked at Will, and realised he was walking over to where I was standing. I froze on the spot, while trying to acting as casual as ever.

And then, I nearly died of shocking-ness when he asked me to dance with him!

"May we dance?" he had asked, in a voice soft like silk. I could see his features now that he was right near me. He had soft brown hair, and amazing emerald eyes. His skin was tanned and he smiled like an angel.

I couldn't say no, so I just nodded my head sheepishly. He gave out his hand for me to take and, trying to not look like a fool, I took his hand and we danced gracefully to one of those slow songs. Nerve was crowding all over my body.

I probably looked like some stupid idiotic girl after the dance, since I couldn't stop smiling to myself and I just stood there in front of Will, feeling really awkward.

"I see. Dancing's not your thing, huh?"

Dammit, I thought to myself, I did look like a stupid idiotic girl who came from some alien planet. Come on, just act casual!

But it was true. Dancing was not really my thing. "N-no," I stuttered, not looking at Will's eyes, scared I was going to embarrass myself again. Instead, I watched other people dance over his shoulder. "I don't ever dance."

"Why do you attend these school dances, then?" he asked curiously.

"I like to watch people dance... Lots of them are great dancers."

Will gave out a small laugh and I just grinned [probably looking like some crazy weirdo].

"I want to go get some fresh air, it's hot in here. Wanna come?" he asked, wrapping his arm around my waist. Man, I looked so bad. I couldn't do anything. The warmth of his arm around me, how tight he was holding me. I just stood there and when reality hit me, I nodded.

"I never got your name," Will stated, when we had stepped out from the big Colden High hall and was now making our way down the school's path.

"Amelia. Call me Amy or Lia," I replied, shying away and pretending to look around. I must have looked like a fool 'cause there was nothing to see apart from the Sports Hall on the right, and the parking spaces filled with cars on the left.

"Pleased to meet you, Lia. Will," he introduced, smiling a nice smile and holding out a hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand, and at that moment, I saw how perfect his eyes were. I stared at him for a minute, while he stared back at my boring brown eyes. Then after that, I looked away. God, was I ever going to get over this?

"So, your Lana's brother, huh?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Mm-hmm. She's a real handful," Will replied, as he snaked his arm around my waist and we started walking again. "She hates you, though. She told me once about you, and that you're a complete slut."

"Me? Slut? Sorry, but I think Lana was talking about herself," was what I wanted to say, but, of course, I couldn't. Instead, I tried to show no emotion, even though I felt loads - anger, hate - and I said, "I know. It's pretty obvious."

"I disagree with her, though. I think you're the complete opposite... Even though I've only met you, like, fifteen minutes ago."

I didn't know what to say so I just kept walking with him. When we got to the bench, outside of school, he sat down and patted the space next to him. I sat down, and waited until he would say something.

Silence was the only thing there, though. But it wasn't really awkward like at some times. I actually kind of liked this silence between me and Will.

About five minutes later, I heard Lana's voice behind me.

"Will! Will, where are you!" she called, looking around at the steps leading to the hall, mad clearly written on her face.

I nudged Will to tell him that Lana was calling for him, but he was already looking behind him with a disgusted face.

"Y'know, my sister is really annoying," he said in a low voice.

I laughed. "Come on, she's going berserk."

He stood up but then stopped. "Aren't you coming?"

"Are you crazy? No. I'll wait for you here. Or if Lana is keeping you prisoner, then I guess it's goodbye." I gave him one my best smiles.

I was really liking Will by the second, and also, my shyness was fading away too. But nope, the blushes kept on coming.

"No, no. Stay here. I'm sure I'll be back. See ya," Will said, then he set off to Lana, who was now looking really annoyed. Probably because her older brother was hanging out with a slut - as she had called me - rather than all those pretty girls in the dance.


And here I am now, two years later, still thinking about Will everyday. He had become my best friend from then on. I wasn't shy to him anymore, although, when he complimented me or touched me, I always blush like crazy.

Will and I now go out every Saturday - not like a date though, just for fun and as friends. We hang out nearly every day of the week and we eat together at lunch everyday. I'm really disappointed and sad that he'll be leaving school and going off to college soon because then, I'd be really lonely and left alone with someone like Lana.

I don't exactly have a best friend in school. In fact, I don't think I do have any friends, apart from Will of course. If I could describe myself in any way, I'd say that I'm a loner and proud of it. To be honest, I like to be alone and have some peace and quiet.

Anyway, so, this is the story of me and Will, from the night which changed my life forever to our future...
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Hope you all like the first chapter! [; Be sure to read the next one too... And the other ones as well. =D

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