Stay With Me, Don't Let Go


"Don't you get it, Lia?" he whispered softly in my ear. I stayed stationery, not moving an inch. Then, in a very low voice, he added, "I love you."

And that was when I magically turned into a statue. Literally. But still, I couldn't move at all. No matter what happened. Even if some murderer was pointing a gun at me, ready to kill me in a second, I still wouldn't have moved. I love you. Will loves me.

Does he? Nah! He was probably doing some joke so he could see how I would react. A joke to know my feelings for him. Oh my God. It was exactly that! Grr.

"Will," I finally said, finding my voice. I gently pushed him away from me, so he was now facing me. "You're just saying that so you'll know what I feel about you."

He looked at me, surprised. "Do you really actually think that, Lia? With a brain like yours, you think I would do that? I've been your best friend for two years, and you don't trust me?"

He was right. But it wasn't right. Him loving me, I mean. I'm sure he doesn't like me. I don't think he even likes me that way at all.

"But, Will, it's... not right. You loving me. It just doesn't sound right," I whispered, so low that I was thinking maybe Will couldn't hear.

"No, it doesn't. But it feels right," he whispered back.

I laid down on the soft grass and closed my eyes. I needed time to think about this. I doubt that he was really telling the truth. I wouldn't tell him how I feel now. No, I wouldn't.

I felt some weight next to me and I opened my eyes. Will was doing the same thing - lying down next to me and closing his eyes.

After two peaceful minutes, Will was the first to speak.

"Tell me how you feel," he said, whispering so quietly.

"I-I can't, Will," I said.

"Why is that?"

"Because I don't know if you're actually telling me the truth about how you feel."

I opened my eyes to see Will staring at me with his emerald eyes.

"You don't trust me?" he said, after a moment.

"No, no. Will, I do, but what you just said then was... I dunno, hard to believe. I never thought you would ever love me," I told him.

"That's because it's amazingly true. I thought you felt the same, Lia... Do you?" he asked, looking back at me.

I didn't reply. I couldn't. He was pretty serious, but Will... well, he tells me stuff like this - a lot - but he would always be joking. This might be another one of his jokes...

"Lia, say something."

"I can't tell you how I feel, Will, it's just y'know, a big step for me, you knowing how I feel. And I don't want you knowing..."

"That's fine... But bear in mind how I feel about you. I won't ever change my mind."

And it was like that for another ten minutes. Me and Will, him and I. I thought about it for a minute. Should I really tell him how I feel? I mean, he told me, but still, he might be lying. A part of me said that he was telling the truth, but another part said he wasn't.

Come on, Lia, pull yourself together. Can't you see the lie behind his eyes? He's clearly joking! It's pretty obvious!

Pretty obvious? I don't think so. He's telling the truth! I'm sure.

Hello, lying expert here. I'm more sure than ever that Will's lying to you.

Well, I'm more sure that he's telling the truth.

And it goes on and on, never stopping. I couldn't at all know what I was going to do.

"Better get going, Lia. It's late," Will suddenly told me and I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts.

And I blurted everything out. Without thinking.

"Will, I love you as well and I shouldn't have said all those things to you. I promised that I would tell you, and a promise is a promise. I'm a coward for not telling you sooner and now I believe that you-"

His lips crushed mine and I abruptly stopped. Will was kissing me. Me! Will! Kissing! But I couldn't resist his soft lips so, without thinking also, I snaked my arms around his neck while his did the same to my waist. And we kissed. For what felt like seconds, but probably minutes.

I pulled away, now noticing what I was actually doing.

Will gave me a questioning look, while I said, "Are we actually ready for this, Will? To have a serious relationship?"

He gave me a smile while nodding. He was sure but I wasn't. I liked him and all that but I definitely wasn't ready for a relationship with him.

"I'm not," I said.

"Fine for me," he said casually, getting the picnic basket. "Whenever you're ready, you can tell me."

"I don't think I ever will be."

"You will, I'm sure."

"What if it will take months? Years?"

Will flinched at the thought, but he answered, "I can wait."

He grabbed my hand, and I intertwined mine with his, while we walked over to the car, both smiling.
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Sorry. Kinda short.. =/

But anywaysz,
Yay! Will loves Lia too. xP