Stay With Me, Don't Let Go



Urgh, damn alarm clock!
I thought. I woke up, eyes three quarters closed and felt for my alarm clock. I finally found the little button and pressed it angrily. I flopped back down on the bed and pulled the covers back up.

"Lia, get up, lazybones!" Brody commanded.

And just to let you know, Brody is my adopted brother. He's two years older than me, which practically means he's nineteen years old. It was actually quite a long story. I guess Mom and Dad just wanted to have another child, so they tried... But nothing happened. And that was when they decided to adopt Brody, when he was just three years old. Of course, I didn't know since I was only one at the time.

"Oh, Brody..." I whined. I heard him chuckle quietly and walked out of my room, closing the door gently. I guess I would have to wake up.

I groaned and got up from the bed. I walked, trying not to bang into anything - my eyes were still three quarters closed. I found the bathroom, went in, and got ready for a shower.

After I had my daily morning shower, I got dressed. I don't really take time picking out what I would wear for school - I'm not like Lana, who take about an hour choosing her clothes and another hour to put her make-up on and make her face look 'perfect'. [Pff, yeah right.] I sometimes wonder how she can get up in the morning so early...


I hadn't really thought about what happened in the park yesterday. In fact, I totally forgot about it. But not until I was in Brody's car, going off to school, that I remembered everything. It was always so boring when I go in Brody's car to school, so I let my thoughts crowd around my head.

I wasn't sure still. If Will loved me. Even the thought of it seems like it's all a dream; a lie. But somehow, a small part of me was telling me it was the truth. The real truth.

"Lia, come on, are you blind?" Brody suddenly said, his face annoyed.

Brody's really nice, but sometimes he can get so angry. But that's just him. He loses his temper easily and can get very annoying. He's got dyed black hair, which flops over one of his aqua blue eyes.

"Oh, right," I muttered. I just noticed that I had arrived at school and Brody was sitting there, waiting for me to get out.

"See ya," I called to Brody as I watched him zoom out of the school grounds.

"Hey," a voice said behind me and I knew that voice too well. Will's.

I turned around and smiled. "Hi," I said and gave Will a hug.

Loads of people think that me and Will would be dating, but we're not. Hugging, holding hands, they're just part of our friendship. Every morning, when we both meet, we always hug, and we usually just hold hands anytime. We ignore everyone and simply think our actions are friendly ones.

I totally forgot about last night's memories again, but after the hug, it all came flooding back to me.

"C'mon, we'll be late for first period," Will said, grabbing my hand and leading me into the already crowded school.

We didn't say much then. Very awkward silence. But Will walked with me to Science anyway. I knew he wanted to talk to me about last night, since I saw him open his mouth then close it a few times in the corner of my eye.

"Meet you at our table at lunch, yeah?" he said.

"Sure. See ya." I waved to him goodbye while he went off to his first class, Maths.

Science was pretty boring as usual. We all had a test and I was so confused at most - well, maybe all - of the questions that I decided to ask Kevin [which is what I usually do, anyway], who's a Science nerd, next to me.

He was great help, as always. You ask him a question and he tells you willingly. But it might be hard for you to ask him on a test, 'cause he never ever wants to get into trouble so, he might not talk. Anyway, I asked him quietly and he rolled his eyes but showed me his paper.

I smiled at him and mouthed, "Thanks," while frantically writing down the answers.


"Urgh, Science was so not cool," I complained to Will while we both sat down on our table at lunch. I shoved my messenger bag under the table while Will did the same.

He chuckled and asked, "What happened?"

"Didn't know any answers to this test. But I asked Kevin, and he just told me everything," I replied, grinning.

"Wow, he really is a nerd."


Just then, Lana came up to us. What would she need now? She sat down on the chair next to Will, her blonde silky hair bouncing on her shoulders. She smiled at Will but fake smiled at me. I fake smiled back and gave her the finger when she turned her attention back to Will.

"What do you want, Lana?" Will questioned, sighing.

"Nothing. I just wanna spend some quality time with my big brother," she said, then looked at me. "Oh, hi slut, mind if I take your boyfriend away?"

"No, I don't actually. But be careful, Will, it's bad enough that she's your sister," I replied, faking a smile at her again then going back to my lunch.

Will threw me an apologetic look while he went off with Lana.

I snuck a few glances at them conversing. Lana kept on flipping her hair back from her face, while talking in that voice that always annoyed me. I heard Will sigh and mutter complaints a couple of times.

Five minutes later, he came back with a frustrated look pasted on his face.

I grinned. "What's up?"

"Lana just wanted my opinion on what she should wear. How lame is that?" he muttered, sitting back down next to me.

"What she should wear?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah. Birthday party - Saturday. You know Lana, she can't live without huge parties."

"Oh." I totally forgot about Lana's birthday being on Saturday, but then again, we aren't exactly friends. Mortal enemies, more like.

"You could come over, if you want, but Lana won't like it."

"Exactly, so no thanks."

"Come on. You know you want to," he said, teasing me.


"I'll tell her I forced you to come. Then she'll blame me."

"Is she really that annoying?"

"Trust me, I'm her brother." He chuckled.

"Who else will be there?"

"Oh, everyone. So, is that a yes? Are you coming?"

"Uhm... Yeah, I guess. But don't you hang out with anyone else, I'll be alone."

Will laughed. "I promise I'll only hang out with you."

I was still confused as to why Lana would come up to him and ask his opinion. She never did that at all. She had thrown a lot of parties in the past, but she never asked Will about anything. He always got left out in the parties, anyway.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and went back to my lunch.
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Hope you like this chapter! It's short [like all my other chapters] but I can't help it! I've added a lot of stuff in it.. but it's still short. So forgive me. (:

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