Stay With Me, Don't Let Go


Riiing Riiing Riiing!

I muttered and cursed under my breath as I stopped my clothes hunting and went to pick up my phone, throwing my pillows everywhere since it was buried under there. I looked at the caller ID. It was Will.


"Hey, Lia. It's Will. Are you ready yet?"

Definitely Will. And I was so not ready. I mean, for the last half an hour or so, I had been raking through my wardrobe, searching for something appropriate to wear. So far, I hadn't seen anything.

"Not even near ready," I sighed.

I heard Will's chuckle at the other end and I frowned. "When are you going to pick me up?" I glanced up at the clock and it was five minutes to four.

"Five good enough for you?"

I thought about it. Sixty five minutes to get ready... Choose clothes, brush my teeth, put on a bit of make-up - eyeliner and blusher, perhaps - and then wait for Will. Or maybe not. I should be finished right at five after I do all those things.

After a second thinking of this, I finally said, "Sure. But it's not my fault if I'm not ready yet by then," I grumbled.

I swear I heard Will smile. "Pick you up at five then, yeah?" Will suggested.

"OK, see you then. Bye."

I pressed the 'end' button and threw my phone on the bed. I was going to Lana's birthday party, and I'm not even invited! But since Will is her brother, I guess he could invite people too, right? Urgh, Lana is gonna kill me in school.

I went back to my clothes hunting and by then, it was already four o'clock and I still didn't know what to wear. I was worrying over something else...

Because I was ready, surprisingly. Ready to have a serious relationshop. Ugh, but the thought scares me away. I was just wondering about other things... What if Will had changed his mind? What if... our relationship doesn't work out?

Still, I was ready, and I didn't even know it would only take me four days to realise that.

Will thought better than to bring it up. I knew he wanted to since he was always hesitating, opening his mouth then closing it. At other times, he would say to me, "Lia? Can I talk to you about something?" And then when I'd say, "Sure," he'd shake his head and mutter, "Never mind..."

Mom barged in my door then, without knocking. I jumped a foot in the air.

"Mom! Knock next time!" I whined.

"Sorry, Amy, but have you seen Brody's brand new shirt? And where are you going?" Mom asked, as she looked around my room for Brody's shirt.

"To answer your first question, no, I haven't seen Brody's shirt. And for the second question, I'm off to a party," I replied.

"Whose party?"

"Will's. Well, his sister's but she invited me," I lied. "I won't be home till late."

"Okay... But I don't want you being cheeky there, young lady. And I'm feeling generous today, so be home before midnight or you're grounded."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I muttered.

God, my mom's really nice and all, but sometimes she can get annoying.

Mom left the room, not closing the door behind her. I sighed and closed it before I could hear her complaints as she started to search the other rooms for Brody's shirt.

At about quarter past four, I, finally, picked my outfit - a bright orange top with a glittery rainbow on it, and turqouise skinny jeans with converse. I got changed into them, brushing my hair afterwards and going off to the toilet to brush my teeth.

After I did that, I applied my eyeliner and blusher on. I straightened my hair, having to straighten the end a few times since my curls were being annoying.

By the time I had finished all of that, it was already twenty to five. Wow, that should hold the world record for the fastest-getting-ready-for-a-party record.

I passed the time by reading a bit of The Host and watching episodes of 90210 on the internet. I tried very hard not to watch the episodes which haven't been shown on TV yet - I desperately needed to know what was going to happen next!


"Have you told Lana yet?" I asked Will, buckling my seatbelt. He had just come and picked me up and I was panicking like mad, wondering what Lana would do. She gets really angry if she doesn't get her way.

"No, not yet," Will answered.

"Oh my God, Will, tell her now!"

He just laughed and said, "Calm down, she'll beat me up, not you."

I calmed myself down and we drove in silence to Will's house. It was just like any other normal house, but more clean and posh. When you get inside, you have to stop and just look at everything surrounding you. Will's family are filthy rich, if I should say.

We arrived at Will's house and we both got out of the car. I could already hear the loud, well, really loud, music blasting throughout the house. I recognised 'Please Don't Stop The Music' by Rihanna and I wondered what Will's neighbors were like, what with all the loud music just next door to them.

Me and Will stepped in and the first thing I saw was Lana making out with some guy right in front of the door. I then noticed it was Kyle Mason. When did Lana and Kyle get back together again? I wondered. If they did, the whole school would have known by now. Hmm... I might spread the news.

Will cleared his throat loud enough for the snogging couple to see us.

"Will! Why did you bring the slut? I did not invite her!" Lana yelled at Will, flipping her hair back like the bitch she is.

He just did nothing apart from drag me up the stairs before Lana could say anything more. I followed him into his room, flopped down on his bed and grabbed his iPod.

"Want anything?" he asked.

"Something nice to drink, please," I replied, flipping through Will's songs.

Once 'My Life Would Suck Without You' by Kelly Clarkson had finished, Will went back up with two chocolate milkshakes. He handed mine over and I put his iPod back on his bedside drawer.

"Will, I need to talk to you about something," I started off, sipping my milkshake.


"I think... Well, I-I think I'm ready..." I looked down, finding my milkshake interesting. I didn't want to see Will's face.

"Ready... for what?"

Boys are very confusing sometimes - and dumb too. "About, y'know, a serious relationship," I said quietly, my voice quieter than a whisper.

"Are you sure, Lia?" I heard him ask me, and he pushed my hair back behind my ears.

"I'm really sure, Will." I smiled at him, while he put his arms around my waist and kissed me. I slowly put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I was more than ready to have a serious relationship.

Will pulled away and grinned. "I'll be right back. I want some of those donuts downstairs in the kitchen."

I laughed. "OK." I leaned back on his bed, as Will went back downstairs.

I waited for him. For more than ever. It seemed like he was taking ages to get those donuts. I'd been waiting for more than five minutes but I kept on thinking that he was just gobbling up donuts continuously. I smiled to myself, getting up from Will's bed. I wanted some donuts too.

I made my way downstairs, and through the obsessed dancing girls and boys. I bobbed my head up and down, trying to find Will.

I guessed that he would be in the kitchen so I went in. And surprise, surprise.

There was Will.

Sliding his tongue down some girl's throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
There ya go! Fifth chapter. [:

It's kinda old really - lover boy cheating on lover girl by kissing another girl... I couldn't think of anything else bad that would happen though! xP

hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. =D