Stay With Me, Don't Let Go


As I walked slowly back upstairs to my room - trying to avoid Lana and Kyle's snogathon - I thought about things. Like time. How much time will Lia take to realise that she is ready for a serious relationship with me? I know she is, she just doesn't know.

I was happy, because she had actually admitted she loved me. After all these years we've been together. I've loved her ever since I first saw here, that night in the Winter Dance. I was actually glad that Lana forced me to go with her [a first].

I strolled to my bedroom and as I opened the door to my room, I gave Lia a smile before giving her her milkshake. She took off the headphones on my iPod and set it down on my bedside drawer. Her face looked... different. Worried.

She looked at me and said, "Will, I need to talk to you about something." I gave her a questioning look as she sipped her milkshake.


"I think... Well, I-I think I'm ready..." She looked down and I could see that she was blushing. And I was curious. What was she ready for?

"Uhm... Ready for what?"

She looked up then and rolled her eyes, giving me a it's-pretty-obvious look. "About, y'know, a serious relationship." She looked down again and was whispering.

I smiled to myself but I wasn't convinced. "Are you sure, Lia?" I asked her in a soft voice, before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm really sure, Will."

She gave me a smile while I grinned and gave her a bigger smile. I snaked my arms around her waist, while she did the same to my neck, and then pushed my lips onto her very gently. I gave her a passionate kiss and pulled away slowly after a couple of minutes.

I chuckled. "I'll be right back. I want some of those donuts downstairs in the kitchen," I admitted and then gave her a peck on the lips before going.

I listened to Lia's laugh and her quiet, "OK."

I took the stairs two at a time, smiling at myself all the way down to the kitchen. A few people stared at me, wondering why I looked so goofy, smiling at something.

I was happy. In fact, way more than happy. I was feeling a lot of emotions - happiness, joy, gladness. Lia had just told me she was ready! For a serious relationship! With me! If I wasn't so stupid, I'd have thought this was all a dream.

As I came downstairs to get some donuts, I spotted someone, and I stopped dead on the kitchen doorway. Damn freakin' it. Out of everyone we know, Lana had to invite her? Urgh. I guess she is one of her best friends...

You're probably wondering what the heck is going on.

Well, dear reader, I'll tell you what the heck is going on. Lana had to invite my ex-girlfriend, Demi. The Demi Wilkinson. Now, I know it isn't a big deal, but it is. For me.

You see, Demi and I had broken up two months ago. Well, I broke up with her. And she cried her eyes out for three days straight. She was nice and that, but she was too... bossy and picky. And the biggest problem was that she was like all the other girls.

Everytime we went on a date, she would go shopping. I had to be dragged by her to every shop in like four malls and wait for her while she dresses up continuously in dressing rooms. She would walk out a few minutes later and ask me my opinion on how she looked, and how her make-up is, and if her hair was a mess.

I finally got tired of her, so I dumped her and she got all sad and disappointed. I felt sorry for her, but still, I did not want to go through four shoppings malls again.

And another bad thing is she's one of Lana's best friends. Which means that whatever Lana does, Demi has to follow. That's what Lana calls 'friendship'. It's one of her 'major' rules that all of her friends have to follow.

That's what I like about Lia. She's the opposite of bitchy, opposite of Demi. She doesn't care if her hair's a mess, she doesn't wear make-up to make her look pretty [since she already is, in my opinion], and she shops for clothes when she needs to.

Anyway, so back to reality.

I dropped my head down and shoved my hands in my pockets, trying to look like some other guy. I do hope this works... I strolled quickly over to the dining table, ready to get this over with.

I tried and tried to get out of her way and not let her see me, but she noticed and came up to me with a grin spread across her face. Of course, she would notice me even if I had plastic surgery and make myself look like some other random guy. And worst of all, she started flirting.

"Hey," she said flirtatiously, fiddling with my shirt collar. "Haven't seen you in a long time."

"Uh... yeah, sure," I said nervously, knowing there was trouble brewing. I grabbed two donutes behind Demi and then started half running back upstairs. But she caught my wrist and spun me around.

"Uhm, now's not a really good time, Demi," I said, turning around again.

But she would not waste this moment and grabbed my shoulder, turned me back around, and crashed her lips on mine. I was surprised, my wide eyes on Demi's face. What the hell was she doing to me? I tried to pull away, but couldn't; her grasp on me was tight. Too tight. I wondered how she had gotten this strong.

"Mmm!" was all that came out from my mouth whenever I tried to say something.

And how I wanted to kill myself at that moment.

Standing behind Demi, was Lia, her face mad and furious.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I feel better now. xP

Sorry it's short... =/
And to remind you again, this is Will's perspective, nothing new has happened in this chapter!