

“I wasn’t born I was created,
Never been loved only hated,
Afraid in a corner in the dead of night,
Not knowing that the painful bite,
Was going to change my life tonight…”

English lesson, third period.

I’m staring at her again. Being able to smell the distinction; the purity of her blood flowing through her veins drives me crazy. I want her. I don’t just want her, I need her. In this life I need a companion, and she’s the one. I crave her lips firmly pressed onto mine every time I see her. Her scent surrounds me as I only concentrate on her. She’s beautiful, with her ice blue eyes and jet black hair; everything a girl could dream of. But she’s alone, like me, she has no one to relate to. I could relate to her after one bite, if she allows me to.

Shawnee Taylor is her name, for me to bite her is my game. “Christy, are you paying attention to me?” My head spun around facing my angry English teacher. He was around fifty five; a portly man who liked to spend days on end drinking himself to death. “No, sorry what was that?” I glanced at Shawnee to see if she heard but she just sat there, completely cut off from the world. A white wire poked out of her hair, she’s listening to her iPod again. With my hearing I’m surprised I didn’t hear it, but I’m not concentrating on my hearing, her blood is all I focus on these days. “Christine!” His voice interrupted my dreaming again, “What?!” I screamed at him. Sweat particles had begun to form on my forehead; it’s too hot in here. I slammed my eyelids shut, rubbing them to calm me down. “Sorry, I’m hungry that’s all.” I wasn’t lying.


My sunglasses are a big part of my life right now, and will be for the rest of my life, if it’s able to end. I sat there cross-legged in the shadows of trees; my head’s tilted towards the floor and my fringe is covering most of my face. “Why are you wearing sunglasses when the sun isn’t out?” A voice came at me. I shut my eyes wishing it was Shawnee and then gazed up. Disappointment flooded through me. “Don’t bother Connor I’m really not in the mood for you right now.” I moaned staring back down at the floor. “No I’m asking a general question-” Before he finished I was up on my feet, my hands clamped around his throat. I lifted him up slowly so his feet were just off the ground. “I said I’m NOT in the mood Connor. Do you understand me now?!” I’m choking him. I can see that, his friends can see that but my hand won’t let go.

I shook him vigorously, breathing deeply in through my nose. His blood tasted sour and stung my nostrils as it hit them but I’m hungry. I exhaled heavily out of my mouth, running my tongue across my razor sharp canines. I want him. I want to feed, to listen to his breath become weak, his heart slowly coming to a halt, barely beating at all. To go in for the kill and hear the crack from his vertebrae as it snaps in half. To see and feel the fresh warm blood pour out of him. I shut my eyes, by now my eyes were black as I want to feed. Feed on Connor. “Christy let him go you’re killing him!” His friends called out drawing me back into the real world. “Shit,” In an instant I dropped him to the floor and walked away, leaving a half dead Connor try to breathe.

Running half way across the field I breathed in a cold sigh of relief, catching Shawnee’s sweet scent as did so. She was a few feet in front of me with her only friend Dan. Turning around I started to walk away until I heard her sweet voice say my name. Frozen to the spot I couldn’t face her, not the way I am right now. I’m craving food, although my shades are still on my eyes are still dark. Despite all this I pleaded for her to say my name again though; if she says it I’ll turn around. “Christy?” She called again. I closed my eyes and nearly cried, but if that happened my tears would be black. Being what I am, crying is a serious sign of weakness. Spinning around on one foot I faced her, staring at her blanking behind my glasses, “Y…Yes?” I stuttered walking slowly towards her.

Closing her eyes she breathed deeply as I stood silently in front of her; her beauty sent shivers down my spine. She’s badly shaking and I couldn’t do anything to stop it, I want to hold her, protect her from the cold breeze traveling around us but then she’d think I’m weirder than I am. I stared at her from behind my glasses, I’m glad she can’t see my eyes as they’d still be dark, even now. Her small hands hovered for a moment until she lifted them towards my face, touching my cheeks before reaching my shades. Her eyes were still tightly shut and mine were closing. My skin must be so rough against her delicate fingers, feels as if tiny cuts are being formed on the tips but she didn’t seem to care. Reaching the arms of my glasses she gently lifted them off, allowing her to see my eyes and for me to suffer silently in the harsh autumn sun.

It wasn’t sunny, far from it but it’s three times as bright as what any human can see. Pressing my eyelids shut I shook it off wanting to face her. “Wow, you’re eyes really are beautiful.” Shawnee whispered to herself not thinking I would hear those spoken words. I was ready to cry, it’s so hard to hold myself back for much longer but I have to hold them in. I have to. Shawnee removed her hands from my face and we stood there for a moment just gazing at each other. Ice blue is a terrifying colour when you can see it this close but she made it beautiful.

10pm, Grove Street.

My stomach feels like glass shattering. A thousand small pieces are sticking out of it right now. Clutching my stomach I screamed wanting, no, needing to feed. But no ones ever out at this time because people keep going missing… That isn’t my fault. I laughed sarcastically at that thought, walking across the street from Connor’s house. Come out Connor please I begged in my head, I was leaning over trying not to throw up the remaining food I had left in my body.

Closing my eyes I breathed in trying to find the smallest scent of a living creature. Walking about two feet I was hit by an over powering stench of after shave. Connor. Straightening up as much as I could I tried to look normal. “Hey Connor?” He flinched at my words, “hey, I’ve come to apologize; I didn’t mean what I did earlier I’m sorry.” I stopped him in front of his house, not letting him go in. “Please let me make it up to you, I’ll buy you chips or something. As a peace offering?” He pondered at the thought for a moment until finally nodding and leading me the other way.

I sighed quickly, trying not to make it so obvious that I was breathing in his scent. We were half way to the chip shop by now, but I knew that it was closed. “Hey I know a short cut.” I lied, making him follow me through the surrounded alley way. I closed my eyes ready to make my move. Pressing my tongue to my canines I grabbed a hold of him a pushed him up against the bricked up wall. “Christy what are you doing?” He asked in a fearful voice not giving any resistance. “You’ll love it, you really will.” I laughed kissing down his neck. Being what I am we are very sex driven but tonight I didn’t want the foreplay, I want the ending.

Finding the vein I placed one of my teeth on it, cutting it ever so slightly. “What are you doing?” he asked in between breaths, “You’ll see.” I smiled before biting deep into his neck. He let out a silent breathless scream as I was literally sucking the life out of him. He didn’t struggle so it was an easy feed, unlike the other victims. The warm fresh blood trickled down my throat and I felt my stomach filling up again, my strength returning and my need to feed fading. Listening to the last beats of his heart I snapped his neck leaving him to fall to the ground. I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the power indulge me.

I feel free again.

It’s Saturday and guess who’s on my mind again. I’m lying in the middle of the park field, unable to sleep again. The grass is cold and damp but that’s not bothering me, it’s half past one in the morning so what would you expect. I’m gazing at the stars thinking about that twinkle she had in her eyes when she looked into mine. I can still feel her touch on my skin, the shiver that travelled down my spine when she did that; the way her face lit up when she smiled at me. She’s so beautiful.

Drowning in my thoughts I heard crying. Straightening up I looked around, trying to work out where it was coming from, until I saw a moving figure on the swings. Slowly getting up I made my way towards them. Towards her. Shawnee. Being as quiet as I could and opened the park gate, edging towards her. I breathed in her sweet scent, “Shawnee?” I called out in a sympathetic voice, “What’s wrong?” Her head shot up as she tried to wipe her eyes, but the tears kept falling. “Christy, what are you doing out here so late?” She asked trying to change the subject, “I don’t sleep so I spend most of my nights out here.” I sat down on the swing next to her, “Now come on, something’s wrong, don’t try and change the subject.” She laughed a little wiping her eyes again.

“It’s nothing honestly; I needed to get out of the house to think.” I gave her a questioning look as she gazed at the floor, “To think about what?” She sighed heavily, “A year ago I did something really bad. Created something I wasn’t meant to and now she craves it more than I do.” I thought for a moment trying to understand what she was saying until it hit me straight in the face. I was created last year. I still have the scars. I still hold the memories of that night in my head and they will stay there for eternity. I couldn’t help but stare at her, trying to remember if I saw her face that night but all I could remember was them ice blue eyes. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so attracted to her, the fact that she was the one who made me this monster.

“You’re the thing I created Christine, the one I love.” I got off the swing holding my head. It’s too much to take it at one moment. Struggling to walk I got to the park gate and opened it. Heading towards a street light, its orange rays covered my skin. I collapsed down beside it forcing myself to hold back the tears; I don’t want her to see me cry. “Christy please, let me explain.” She sobbed; thick black tears ran down her face. “You’re showing weakness.” I stared up at her getting angry. We stayed in that position for a few minutes, not moving. I was getting angrier and she wanted to make it better.

“How can you make any of this better? You turned me into this. I hate you!” I screamed at her so angry that I was beyond crying. “I chose you,” I’d started to walk away before she had said this, “You chose me like I was choosing you.” My screaming had broken to a whisper; I was doing the same thing to her like she did to me. “This makes me as bad as you,” My breath had become weak; I’m choking myself with anger. “Christy please, you’re not as bad as me, you’re worse than me.” She knelt down by my side taking my hand. “Don’t even touch me, you’ve done enough damage.” Getting up I ran towards the road. I don’t care what happens to me now. Not looking I crossed the road, once again collapsing when I got to the other side. Gazing up I saw Shawnee heading towards me, picking up speed as she ran.

She didn’t look when she crossed the road either. She didn’t hear the roar of that car engine. She didn’t feel any pain as it hit her and sent her flying.


“Shawnee!” I screamed getting to my feet. Her face is covered in that sweet scented blood, her body mangled in a weird position. I can’t do anything to save her as she’s already dead. I’ve checked her pulse and there’s nothing there, not even a glimmer of life. I kneel down beside her, stroking her hair out of her blue eyes. They’re not ice blue anymore; they’re pale, as if their life has been stolen from them. Even when dead she’s beautiful.

The car didn’t even stop; it left us, leaving me to deal with her and my broken heart. I can’t keep the forcing back the tears, so I let it go. Cried into my hands, let the tears pour over her body thinking that she would know that I’m there. But she’s dead; tears don’t help anyone when they’re dead.

But nobody told me vampires can’t die.
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This is actually the story i wrote for my creative writing project at school...
Hope you like it, my teacher certainly did as i got an A for it =]
I would love some comments