Status: Dead

The Actress

Something So Good

The next night William laid in his bed staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep.

"Maybe she's still awake,” thought William to himself when he saw that it was only 10:30.

The boy pulled the sheets off him and crept downstairs to find the house phone. I can do this, William told himself, it’s only a phone call. William picked up the phone and dialled Violet's number, waiting patiently at first but after a few rings he was ready to give up. Why even bother? He asked himself. Just as William was going to put the phone back on it’s receiver he heard a voice.


"H-h-hello?" This was the first time in his life he was lost for words.

"Who's this?" asked Violet.

"It's, uh. It's William. Remember me?"

"Oh yeah from the other day?"


"Not to be mean, but how did you get my number?"

"Oh sorry! Uh, Cassadee gave it to me. If you don't want me to have it then I won't."

"It's alright,” Violet replied, obviously caring.

Awkward silence filled the telephone whilst William was gathering up the nerve to ask Violet - the reason he’d called in the first place.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow night and, um, hang out?" He asked, finally, unsure of what Violet would say.

Violet tried to find the right words to say - she didn’t want to hurt his feelings - but none came to mind.

"Um...." Violet stalled, trying to find an excuse. Then she remembered, there was something she had to do. “Sorry, William, I’ve got to cheer at the game tomorrow. I’d love to, but maybe next time,” she added at the end, hoping there would be no next time.

"Then I guess I'll see you at the game tomorrow night?" William said with an eager confidence in his voice.

Violet caught her breath when William said this. He really wants to hang out with me, she thought, maybe this “emo” boy isn’t so bad after all

"Yeah,” she finally said, putting more enthusiasm in her voice once she realized he wasn’t so bad, “I guess I'll see you at the game!”

“Oh!” gasped Violet when she glanced that the clock, discovering that she’d been on the phone with William for more than two hours."Hey it's getting pretty late so. . . I'll see you around?"

"You want to have lunch tomorrow with us?"


"What? You don't have too."

"William, listen, you're a nice guy and you're defiantly not what I expected. I'll see you at the game but I don't think we should ya know hang out at school. You know, in front of everyone?"

William sat back into his chair in the kitchen and put his head on the table, disappointed and hurt by her words.

"What do you mean?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"I just don't think it's the best idea if we hang out at school."

"So you don't want to be friends?" still hopeful there was some way he could spent time with her.

"Being friends is fine, but let's just not talk in front of my other friends."


"Goodnight William Beckett,” Violet teased, trying to put William in a better mood.

"’Night Violet,” a childish grin spreading across his face.

The boy couldn't help himself, everytime he heard the girl say his name, he smiled to himself. Even if she didn't want to be seen with him he had her friendship. And that was a start.

The next night William went to the football game as promised. Sitting down in the front row he saw Violet standing there in all her cheer glory. She looked happy, but when she saw William her eyes seem to light up even more.

Earlier that day when William had passed her in the hallway she’d pretended not to notice him. How would it look for the pretty, popular cheerleader to be seen with the 'emo' boy?

It was half-time and William was about to leave - Violet was hardly paying any attention to him and he just wasted a Friday night. He was walking out the entrance when a hand wrapped around his arm and pulled him under the bleachers. Suddenly a pair of petit arms attached to a girl about 5'4" were pushing William against a pole. He smiled to himself and looked down at Violet.

"This is new,” said William, smiling at his new company.

"Where are you going?” she pestered, upset that William was going to leave. “You wanted to hang out."

"Your busy and,” William said, wondering if he should go on, “ I can take a hint."

"Can I come to your house after the game?" Her eyes staring right into his.

"Won't you be busy making eyes at your quaterback?"

"You don't worry about him."

"Well, do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"No,” she smiled



William didn't understand the game she was playing, but he wasn't into too much.

"Alright then I'll see you around?", asked William

"I'll call you tonight."

Violet bounced off with a grin on her face. She thought she'd have a little secret of her own.

William walked to his car confused as ever. She wanted to be friends but she didn't want to hang out, she wanted him to stay at the game but not pay any attention to him. What the hell have I gotten myself into? The whole way home he was smiling. Again, he couldn't help it.

Violet had called him that night, as promised, and spent most of the night talking. The rest of the weekend for William was filled with band partice, parties, and friends - as usual.

On Monday everything seemed normal. William walked to his locker and opened it only to find a note - a smile crossing his face when he read it.

Walk me home after school?
Wait for the parking lot to clear and then meet me there.
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you enjoy!

-jess_superthemaine and littlemisscandy