Looks Can Be Deceiving

What the hell just happened?

Finally my 25th birthday, I was going to a club called 'Club Rios' in Boston with a couple of my friends to drink the night away. "What do you want to drink, its my treat?", asked Sarah, "Umm Jack & Coke", I replied smiling. Three hours and 13 shots later I was well on my way to being drunk, so I decided to call it a night and take the 10 minute walk back to my apartment, with much to my friend dismay. As far as I knew, this part of town was pretty safe.

The route I usually took was blocked off by police, some bad car crash or something. Fucking drunk drivers. I decided to take the alleyway, which was not the best idea at this time of night. I slowly made my way down the crooked alleyway, taking caution as to not make any sound, I was so quiet that I was beginning to suspect myself of being a stalker. I crept around the corner only to be greeted by three menacing looking men, each as strong as the last. The guy in the middle swooped towards me in one swift move and grinned, looking way to eager, I smiled as politely as I could even though I was shitting myself. I walked around him only to have one of the other men appear before me using the same swooping move. I turned on my heels to try again but the third guy was there. I was boxed in, well triangled in.

They each took it in turns at kicking my ass. The next thing I knew one of the guys lunged at me showing his once small canines that had now been replaced by razor sharp fangs. He knocked me off my feet and started staring at me with a look of fear in his eyes, he hissed at me then turned and left with the other two guys. What the hell just happened?

I lay frozen on the spot staring up at the fading light, when a silhouette of a female hovered above me, she pulled me from the floor and looked into my eyes. Her reaction was different than that of my attacker, a look of pity and slight disgust. "Come on", she commanded throwing her arm around me and laying me down on the back seat of a black SUV. She climbed into the drives seat, she turned and looked at me blankly, "try to stay awake.", she said, the concern slightly hidden behind her vacant tone. She turned back and quickly put the car in drive and sped off into the night. I tried to listen to her words and stay awake, but the blows to my head made my eyes droop.

The ever-changing shadows and light swirled aorund me. I welcomed the comforting darkness.
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Wooo, whats gonna happen in the next one? And who will she meet next? What will be their reaction?

As soon as I get at least 5 comment I promise i'll post the next chaper, sucks right? But thats the way I roll. :]