Looks Can Be Deceiving

Great, i'm being kidnapped!

I choked slightly my breath as I woke up from a really wierd dream. Was it a dream? Did I imagine everything? Or am I in some strange crazy nightmare?

I sat up and looked around. Daylight. I must have been out a while, when I lost conciousness I could have sworn it was the middle of the night. I layed my head back down and noticed something different. This wasn't my car. I sat up again and ran my hand across the soft leather, my car had some kind of tattered material. By this time I was beginning to panic. Where the hell was I?

I turned and looked out of the window on the right side of the car, towards the freeway and towards a sign nearby. My eyes widened in shock. California. I can't be in California, I just can't be. "Fuck!", I yelled, throwing my fists into the back of the leather seat. I tried to regulate my breathing, panicing as I felt something pulsating through me, running along my spine and hurting the back of my head. What is happening to me? "Ahem.", came a voice from the opposite window. I turned around suddenly, startled by the sudden prescence. Wow she was beautiful. A petite girl stood with her head poked through the open window, her aviatiors low on her nose, she had pulled her hair into a slight ponytail and her bangs hung loosely by the sides of her face. She wore a confuzed look on her face. "Do you mind? I just cleaned this car?", I looked back to the seat and removed my fists before turning and giving her an akward smile, "sorry", I sighed. She smiled and pushed her aviators back onto the bridge of her nose, pulling her head out of the car.

I moved over to her side of the car and glanced upwards, trying to get a better look at her. She looked to be about 5'4 and was extremely thin, but not in a bad way. The veins could be seen easily under her pale and smooth skin. This make me wince, I hate veins. I focued on what she was wearing. Tight, black skinny jeans and a Jack Daniels shirt that clung to her curves and showed off her large boobs.

I watched as she payed and got into the car, a sudden cooling sensation came over me and the car soon filled with her sweet smell. She lit up a cigarette, took a drag and turned to face me, blowing the smoke in my direction. That ruined the smell I guess. "Wanna come sit up front?", she asked patting the front passenger seat. I nodded and cimbled out of the car and slowly made my way into the front seat. "There you go.", she said smiling wider, "oh shit wait.", she said turning and pulling a bandana from one of her belt loops, I guess I didn't notice that. She licked the end and rubbed my forehead, a burning feeling spreading over me. "All gone.", she stated. putting the bandana back. I rubbed my head and pouted making her laugh. "I think i'm gonna like you."

"Want one?", she asked, holding a cigarette towards me. "No, I don't smoke.", "smart.", she said looking impressed. She turned and started the car, we sped off down the freeway, I watched the 'Welcome to California' sign fly past me. Why am I in Claifornia?, Mentally trying to piece things together. "Because i'm taking you somewhere safe.", she replied .I stared at her stunned, I got over that quickly, my confusion turning into anger. "Take me back to Boston, i'll be safe there!",I started to raise my voice. Great i'm being kidnapped. "Well I wouldn't say kidnapped, more like...saved.", she said with a toughtful look on her face, "Okay how the hell can you hear me?", i asked, turing fully towards her. "Let me explain."
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Hope you liked it, because i'm tired right now. :D

So if you can be bothered please tell me i'm not wasting my time.

Comments are appreciated.

Grace xxx