Looks Can Be Deceiving

This is where it gets complicated

"Wait, wait. One more time." I said, not believing what I had just heard. "Okay. I'm a vampire, and in the vampire world there are four types of vampire. Watchers, seekers, hunters and defenders." We sat in silence as questions filled my head. "So which one are you?", "Ah, now this is where it gets complicated."

" Way before you were born and I existed there were 6 vampires and only six. Shadows, Christ, Vengeance, Plague, Gates & Drake.", she looked over at me and smiled. "You still with me?", I nodded slowly, my eyebrows furrowing slightly. "So anyway, the first six were the ones who started it all. They took some victims and turned others, making them vampires too, impure vampires".

This caught my attention. "So what is the difference between an impure and a pure vampire?". I asked, "Shhh, I'll get confuzed ", I laughed and she grinned back. "Right, the first six each had a special power that could only be passed through the bloodline, not through bloodsucking. Shadows had the ability to control anybodys body and thoughts. Christ could shapeshift into anything or anyone he desired, Vengeance had the ability to track anyone and tell where they were, wherever they were. He used his power to track enemies. Plague could - Ha! Well, the clues is in the name. He could spread plagues, give diseases or take them away if he wanted, so he could also heal. Gates could-", "Wait a minute, Gates?". "Um, yeah but he was known as Synyster.

He could change weather, stop fire, control water, basically he could do as he pleased with the elements." She looked over and smiled before looking back at the road. All I could think about was how afraid I would be if I met them. "Wait a minute", I said snapping out of my thoughts, "What about Drake?", "Oh! Well She-", "She? ", "Yeah. She could pause time, go back in time, change anything. Even go into the future". "Cool, so is she kind of a role-model for you?". She smiled a knowing kind of smile, there was something hidden behind it, I just couldn't place it. She turned towards me. "Kind of."
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Sorry about the late update but i've just done my GCSE's so, yeah :]

comments are appreciated :D
