Status: Currently on Hiatus

The Breakdown of Natalie Whitman

Whether we know it or not, we all wear a mask. Some people wear masquerade masks, still showing their true self, but hiding just a bit. Others hide behind what seems to be a Guy Fawkes mask, distorting who they really are. Yet there are some of us who wear full costumes and convince everyone that is who we are. Sometimes, we blind even ourselves and forget who we are. It happens, like a skin that grows, slowly until it consumes you. Most are strong enough to resist the temptation of it all and to some degree, are able to preserve some of their personality. The few others are victims of a horrible demise, death while living. The most terrifying part of it all is who makes us grow these second skins, these masks. Parents, teachers, loved ones, society, the true culprits to us growing this skin, but you must understand them…they already grew their masks.