Threads in the Wind

Peter is cold.
He is an astronaut, floating high above the earth, watching her spin through endless days and nights.
But his last line was cut, and the space shuttle went back to earth without him.
So now, he is lost, and he is drifting further and further away.
Every day, the earth gets smaller.
Today, it is a dinner plate.
Tomorrow, it might be a baseball.
The day after that, a single, luminous pearl.

Hannah is warm.
She flies her kite, higher and higher, losing it through the clouds.
Every day it goes up further.
She runs out of kite string, and uses her shoelaces.
Then she ties on her clothesline.
She unravels her old sweaters and ties all the yarn together.
She braids her hair, chops it off, and uses that too.
Soon, the kite is a bright, singular diamond floating in the black void of space.

What happens when the astronaut sees the kite?

NOTE: This is not a story about astronauts or kites.