Broken Glass & Hidden Dreams

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Staring into the flickering flames, moving in slow motion to these undead eyes like ballet dancers on ice.

Broken memories of the past and longing hopes for the future. Those lost dancers could be us at the Grand Ballo. Let's get lost in each other. Just take my hand, and it will be okay.

The soft pit pat of rain spattering on the hard pavement that resembles my heart fills my ears, contrasting oddly like a writhing spider with the flames. I am lost in my thoughts. These years have been so long.

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday dear Chris...

It's just another day among the hundreds of thousands.

Vampires come and go. I make small talk and carry on brief conversations, but everything dies and everyone leaves.

I hear the barely audible sound of feet drawing nearer. It carries the distinct sound of your walk, your stride. Slowly, your feet come into my peripheral vision, followed by the legs of your pants, your belt, torso, hands, arms, and finally, your face. My stupor is broken and I am now hugging you. Too long had it been and

what's this?

My favorite scent.

You smell like rain.
