The Breaking Of My Own Heart


I held his hand under the street light as the snow blew around us. The cold wind blew making my tears freeze onto my rosy cheeks.

“Please don’t leave me,” I whispered desperately.

“I don’t love you anymore Molly,” he said icily pulling his warm hand from mine and giving me a look of pity.

“Y-you don’t mean that!” I choked on a sob building my throat.

“I do, now leave me alone.” He said backing away from me slowly into the dark and whirling snow disappearing from my site all too quickly.

“No, no, no,” I sobbed to myself backing up against the light poll and sinking into the snow, not caring how cold or how wet I was getting, all I could feel was my heart slowly taking it all in, slowly falling to pieces in my chest. A ridged sob escaped my mouth as I lifted my face to the sky letting the soft cottony flake melt mixing with my tears.

“What did I do?” I whispered to myself thinking back on everything, “What did I do wrong?!” I screamed this time pounding my gloved hands into the snow in fury. I am so worthless; I can’t even keep the man that I have loved for the past three years. What good am I?

My legs were going numb; I pulled my knees to my chest resting my chin on them. I heard crunching coming towards me, its was him, he had come back, I jumped to my feet whipping my tear stained cheeks and looking hopefully into the dark hoping to see him and laugh at the horrid prank he had pulled on me. The crunching came closer, a smile creeping onto my face quickly faded as I soon found the foot steps did not belong to my beloved Ryan, but to some stranger that glared at my appearance. I sighed and turned back to the pull and leaned my head against it letting out a shaky sigh.

Tears pooled in my eyes as I finally realized that he wasn’t coming back. This wasn’t a joke, this was it, this was life. I pushed off the pull and walked away down the sidewalk until I came to a bench, I brushed the snow that had congregated on it and sat down looking at my hands sniffling.

I could feel the wetness seeping into me, I didn’t care. A couple around my age past me, holding hands talking sweetly to each other, I wanted to scream at them, tell them that things may be going great now just but just wait! Everything will end. Bitterness filled me as I glared at the happy couple wishing that could still be me and him. They stopped under the light that my relationship had ended and kissed, I looked away in pure disgust.

My eyes grew heavy, my body shaking violently. My teeth chattered together, giving me a sign that I should leave, I ignored it. Life didn’t matter, he mattered. I slowly laid down, letting the coldness over come me. I could hear my name being called in the distance then…Nothing.