The Photographs Your Boyfriend Took

Long Ago...

MTV blared from the widescreen TV...everything Jon bought was for his own entertainment. I had to force him to put money aside for our kids so they could go to college. And I hated the TV the most. He always had his stupid football parties, watching on the big ass TV. It was a mistake to marry that douche bag.

Anyways, little Tyler was waving his arms in the air, giggling and cooing. As I scooped up a spoonful of mac and cheese to feed him, we were watching MTV. Music made me feel better. So did those stupid reality shows about stupid bitches trying to get one guy to love them.

"Please welcome My Chemical Romance!"

What an odd band name, I thought, not paying much attention.

"My Chemical Romance is just now starting to fully emerge into the music scene, having just released their second album 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge'..."

Fucking emo band....ugh... Tyler hopped down, having finished his food, and ran into his room to continue playing with his toys.

"Their latest hit is 'Helena', written about the lead singer and bassist's late grandmother. Let's take a look...."

I looked up to see a somewhat familiar face...two faces. The singer was intense and had long black hair; a defined, yet still rounded, face; burning hazel eyes; and an amazing voice. Then this other guy, walking down the aisle in a church, swinging that thing filled with inscence, had similar features, but glasses and short brown hair. It was a soft song, then exploded into this amazing sound. Despite how god damn morbid it was, I was entranced and falling in love with it. Especially the dancers. And the singer; there was something so familiar about him. Maybe I'd seen him before and didn't remember it.

The song came to and end, and the band was now with the interviewer.

"So, My Chem, let's start with introductions."

The singer took the lead, but it was more like he was appointed the spokesman, instead of being cocky. "Ray Toro, our lead guitar; Bob Bryar, our drummer; Frank Iero, rhythm guitar; Mikey Way, my little bro and bassist; and then me, Gerard Way, the lead singer."

My heart stopped, and suddenly it clicked. Gerard Way...the boy who's heart I had broken all those years ago in high school.

Fuck my life.
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you like it? it's gonna be a short story, maybe 5 or 6 chapters at most. =] but i'm not giving anything away. you have to read to find out.

comment please! happy authors make more chapters.