
Maybe It Wont't Be So Bad Here

School ended and I was exausted. I just wanted to go home and sleep. I had to do all this work the classes have been doing all year so I can catch up. Yea I know, crap. No one even talked to me. Now I know I am a loser.

I started walking down the stairs of my school, and tripped! I tripped and fell on my lazy butt! Can you believe it? Now everyone is going to think I'm a loser even more now! What the heck is wrong with me.

I started to stand up when I saw someones hand, waiting for me to grab it. And yes, it was him! The guy in my world history class. I grabbed his hand and it flet so good, I didn't want to let go.
"Thank you so much," I said, trying so hard not to studder.
"You are welcome," He said as he was picking up my things. His blue eyes met mine, and I couldn't think straight. "I'm David."
"Hi, I'm Chelea."
"Nice meeting you, are you new?"
"Yes." I said a little shyly.
"Thats cool, maybe we can hang out sometime, I could show you around."
"That would be cool," I said.
"You are in my world history class right?"
"Yes, I think I sit behind you," yea right, I know I sti behind you.
"Ok, I guess we can talk tomorrow, I have to go, Later."

Oh my god. I thought to myslef. I can't belive that just happend. Maybe it wont be so bad here. He walked away. His dirty blond hair, his blue eyes, the way his lips are that light pink. I love the way he looks. His swagger could make any girl turn his way.