I'm Melting In Your Eyes

The Only Good Thing In My Life Leaves Me

Chapter 98

Frank found a note from ray on the desk behind me. he grabbed it and read it out loud.

“ my dearest Hayley,
I’ve missed you very very much since that last night we were together and I’ll hold that night especially in my memories for years to come. I’ve been turning it over and over in my mind lately. I’m just sitting here looking at your picture getting more sick every minute. I’ve wanted that picture more than anything in the whole world except of coarse you yourself. I keep thinking of you and keep wishing I could be with you. I want to leave in the most possible way so I can come be with you. Things didn’t look so good in that subject. But this death war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone I guess. I’ve never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now. I’m completely lost with out you. I’ve never realized I could miss person so much. I just hope it wont be to much longer till I’m able to be with you again and live a sane and normal life. I’ll see you soon my love.

Frank finished reading it and I started crying ray took his life just to be with Hayley. It was so cute but it made things worse with me and frank. We were both scared that we were next and we were hoping we were wrong but by the way things were going it didn’t feel like it and I didn’t want anything bad happening to frank but I wouldn’t be able to stop anything.

Me and frank started doing things separate we were slowly losing each other and we didn’t want to admit it. One day I left and was just walking around and I stopped at a park and just watched the kids playing. I looked up and saw frank I got up and started walking towards him and he started to walk towards me. he got into the street and then a car hit him. I screamed and ran as fast as I could to him. when I got to him he was barely breathing.

“frank don’t you dare leave me” I said
“I’m sorry Nat I love you and I will be with you always’ he said and he closed his eyes
“Frankie open your eyes. Frankie I cant have this baby by myself” I said crying now
he popped hi eyes open and said a few more words.
“don’t cry Nat. I……” he started but never finished there Frankie lied now in my arms dead with me crying. I couldn’t’ believe I lost him. and I had just seen him smiling at me. this is my fault. The ambulance came again and took frank away from me. this time there wasn’t going to be a funeral. Because I couldn’t handle that at all. I was now alone in this world. I had no one to lean on when I cried. I am gonna go crazy with out everyone now.


There is only 2 chapters left im sry for killing Mcr i wrote this a while ago and it ended when MCRFAN was up but yea so sry but i can at least tell you it ends on a good note.