I'm Melting In Your Eyes

Dads Gone??? He Can't Be!

Mikey was there and all he knew was that Frank and Gerard went out. I set my stuff down and I ran to Mikey and hugged him and started crying

“I told Frank we kissed” I said
“And he hit you” he said
“No since Frank was at my house when my dad left my mom kicked him out of the house and ….beat the crap out of me.” I said crying harder. We were now sitting on the stairs.
I heard the door open and then someone say something and trying to get me off of Mikey but I just tightened my grip.

“Nat you can let go its just Frank” Mikey said
I looked up and let go of Mikey and jumped on Frank and held onto him for dear life.

“What did my mom say to you” I asked
“She told me she needed to talk to you alone and that she didn’t want to see me at your house anymore” Frank said and I started to cry again
“When you left…. She …she..”
“Beat the crap out of her” Mikey finished for me
“What. Again god I don’t want you going back there I don’t want you getting hurt” Frank said.
“I have to Frank. Even though shes my mother where am I gonna go. She’ll….kill anyone that takes me away from her.” I said still crying my phone rang and it was my mother.

“Natasha I am mad at you for leaving the house” she said
“Yea so is that why you called” I said
“No I have something to tell you”
“What is it mom are you all right” I said worried
“Honey your father…. He .. he’s been killed” she said now crying
“What. No its not true” I said starting to cry
“Baby he was shot he was walking to his car and someone shot him” she said still crying
“No. God No. he cant be gone” I said crying
“I’m sorry baby. His funeral is in a week. His body will be home in 3 days” she said trying to hold back the tears
“Ok thanks mom I….I gotta go” I said and hung up and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I was crying. I couldn’t believe he died. He had just left. I was sitting in the tub just crying thinking of him. I didn’t even hear Anyone unlock the door and walk in.. Frank came and sat next to me. I tried to stop crying but it didn’t work.

“Baby what happened” he asked
“My Dad..he’s..he’s…dead” I said crying harder but this time lunging at Frank and holding on to him.
“Oh my god baby I’m so sorry” he said holding me tighter
“He just left Frank how can he be dead” I said
“How’d he die” he asked
“Someone shot him on his way to his car” I said still crying
“What are you gonna do” he asked
“I’m not going home tonight. My moms gonna be drinking. And she’ll end up blaming it all on me.” I said finally stopping my crying.
“Ok baby I’m staying here with you then.” Frank said
“Ok…. Thank you Frank” I whispered
“Your welcome Nat” he said and kissed my forehead