I'm Melting In Your Eyes

Why Wont They Just Leave Me Alone

I saw my mom. Even though she wanted to kill me I ran to her and hugged her.
“Mom I’m so sorry” I said crying harder
“For what”
“For dad dieing” I said
“That’s not your fault” she said
“well I feel like its my fault”
“Baby don’t every say that. Things just happen and people are in the wrong places at the wrong time” she said crying
“Mom I wanna come home and stay with you” I said
“Baby you cant since my break down when I hurt you the cops are looking for me” she said
“Well I can tell them you were drunk or something” I said
“No baby I’m leaving town I just came to say goodbye to your father. I was gonna call you when I was out of town.” She said
“I’m gonna miss you” I said
“Babe you can have a better life than you had with me.”
“Mom they all lied to me. They made me think you were in jail” I said
“What’s wrong with that”
“They didn’t even tell me. I just over heard them talking about it”
“Baby …”
“Mom they weren’t gonna tell me cause they thought id feel safe. Yea I would but I mean I would want to know that way I can still see you” I said
“Baby… don’t be mad at them.” She said
“I’m not mad at them I’m mad at Frank”
“He knew and didn’t tell me and he should have. I cant trust him anymore” I said
I heard sirens
“Baby I have to say my goodbyes to your father but I love you and I will call you to see how your doing ok”
“Ok bye mom” I said and kissed her “ I love you too” I said and left. It was pouring down. I still didn’t want to go back to the Ways but I did. I walked in and they were all in the living room with police.

“Hey I’m back” I said
“Oh Natasha we were worried” Mrs. way said
“Why my moms in jail so why should you be worried” I said and looked at Frank
“Um… Natasha we have to tell …..” Mrs. way started but I cut her off
“I KNOW MY MOMS NOT IN JAIL. YOU ALL LIED TO ME. WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST TELL ME.”I yelled and ran up to my room and locked the door. I was crying thinking I would never see my mom again. My phone rang and I answered it not looking at who was calling me.

“Hello” I said quietly
“Nat open the door” Frank said
“NO LEAVE ME ALONE” I said and hung up
I ran to the bathroom and punched the mirror. It shattered and I had glass in my hand I watched the blood drip down my hand. I picked out the glass and started to throw things around the room. I hated this. I just .. just want to leave but I cant cause were would I go. The Ways took me in and now… I don’t even want to be here. My room was destroyed. I grabbed a note book and drew a picture of me and my mom talking at the grave yard. I set it down on my bed and opened my door and went quietly into the kitchen. I got some rubbing alcohol and ran back up to the room. I waited till everyone was asleep to leave my room again. I grabbed my keys for my house and left. I walked to my house and unlocked the door. Everything was still there. I turned on the lights and went to my room and grabbed the rest of the alcohol I had and threw it in a bag and the rest of my clothes and my cds and then I left. I shut off all the lights and went downstairs and went into my moms stash and took that to. Then I went to our hidden money. Which my mom forgot were she put it cause she was drunk but I remembered and I grabbed it and took all the money we had up to 20,000. some was American money but most of it was in European money form. I was gonna go and change the money. Unless I decide to go to Europe. I don’t think I will. So I left turned off all the lights and locked up the house and walked back to the ways. But I was passing Frank’s and I really hoped he wasn’t home. But no god just wants me to be miserable. I ran into Frank.

“Where are you going” he asked
“Ways house” I said
“That’s it no were else” he asked
“I don’t know I might I haven’t decided.” I said and kept walking
“why were you at your old house” he asked
“were you watching me” I asked
“No I looked out the window and saw your house lights on” he said
“What ever I got something’s I have to go.” I said picking up my pace. And when I knew
Frank was gone I ran. But was stopped by Mikey in the door way.
“Where were you” Mikey asked
“Why is every one so worried about me now” I said
“Cause of your mom” he said
“One hasn’t Frank told you and two she’s not in town anymore” I said and pushed through him. But he grabbed my arm and made me look at him
“How do you know that” he asked
“I just do” I said crying
“Did she hurt you” he asked worried
“No… let me go” I said still crying
“No not till you tell me what she did to you” he said
“Ok fine she talked to me that’s it. She was at the same place I was.” I said
“At your old house” he stated
“So Frank did tell you. Im not telling you anything. I told you what you wanted and that’s all I’m telling you.” I said and ran up stairs crying. I locked the door again and decided I wasn’t leaving my room.