I'm Melting In Your Eyes

Am I Really Going To Do This?

I didn’t want to talk to anyone. But I decided I would leave my room. Frank was over everyday. I decided to call some of my old friends and hang with them. I hung out with Starr today. I got dressed and walked downstairs.

“I’m going out I’ll be back later” I said and left I walked to the street and waited like a minute and then Starr showed up I jumped in her car and there were other girls in the car before I could say anything she said.

“Who are the people watching you”
“Oh the Ways and Ray and Bob and Frank” I said
“Why are they watching you” she asked
“They think my moms gonna kill me but shes not” I said
“Oh well lets get out of here” she said and we went to the mall. I learned that the other girls were named Chrissy and Chibu. Chibu is pretty and she has long light brown hair, light brown eyes, kinda short, but not really, two peircings on her lower lip(studs). And Chrissy is also very pretty and has dark brown hair with blonde underneath. she has a tattooed skeleton on her arm. She has hazel eyes. She is super skinny. They both were very easy to talk to. Shopping always helped me out. I bought a black skirt and a red shirt and some bracelets from hot topic. Then I bought a pair of jeans at debs and a pink and white tank top that says don’t give me attitude I have my own. After we were done shopping and we were exhausted of shopping Starr dropped me off at home. I had lots of bags. I walked in and tripped over someone’s shoes and was about to hit the floor but someone caught me. When I looked up it was Frankie.

“Thank you” I said and he help me up a bit.
“Wow enough shopping” he commented
“Yea I’m exhausted” I said laughing
My bags were still on the ground. So I picked them up and said
“Thanks for helping me” and walked up stairs and set my bags on my bed and turned on black flag. I had it so loud I didn’t hear anyone call me down to dinner. I was to busy dancing around my room trying to forget all the bad things that have happened lately. I tried on my skirt and red shirt together and was looking at myself singing along with the music when I felt someone wrap there arms around me. I turned and saw Frank. I walked over to my stereo and paused it.

“What Frank” I asked
“You look hot and I like black flag” he said
“Yea I know this is the cd you burned for me.” I said Frank walk closer to me
“Baby I’m sorry I should have told you your right. I don’t want to lose your trust I rather lose the ways trust than yours” Frank said I couldn’t look at him cause I knew I was gonna forgive him and kiss him. His eyes did that to me. I hated it.
“Frank I’m still not ok. Maybe later we can talk” I said and turned away from him and let a tear fall. I thought he left the room so I turned around and ran to my bed and started crying. I was remembering that my dad was dead my mom tried to kill me and who was there to help me through it. Frankie was. He even talked to Gerard about letting me live here why was I being such a bitch. Yea so what he lied about one thing. One major thing. But …what if he’s lied more than once. I have major feelings for him and I just don’t want to be hurt anymore. I was crying and I felt someone rub my back I looked and I saw Frank. Wow big shocker there. Note the sarcasm there.

“Baby I’m really sorry” he said
“I know you are” I said hugging him
“I’m never leaving you and I don’t know how long it will take but I want you to trust me again.” Frank said I was still crying
“I’m sorry for being a bitch” I said
“Don’t be I understand” Frank said and my phone rang.
The screen was flashing Mom so I answered it

“Hey mom”
“Hey sweetie how are you”
“Not so good I keep thinking ill never see you again or dad” I said and started crying
“Baby you will see me again don’t worry about that” she said
“Mom I’ve been pushing everyone away about not telling me about you” I said
“Who’s everyone”
“Frank, and the Ways and anyone that comes over here. I went to our house the other night and I looked around and started crying. I cant believe our family is fallen apart” I said
“Baby don’t ever go back to our house the cops think I’m still there. And don’t push anyone away keep everyone close to you the Ways are your family now.”
“Mom I don’t want them as my family you and dad were and are my real family no one is ever taking that spot” I said crying again.
“Baby I have to go I’ll call you in a couple of days ok”
“Ok love you”
“I love you to sweetie. Oh yea and I’m sorry I ever hurt you. I have stopped drinking and am now on my way to recovery.” She said
“Oh mom that’s good to hear” I said happy
“Ok baby I’ll talk to you later bye” she said and hung up. I got up off the bed and washed my face.

“Frank can you leave please” I said
“Yea I’ll be town stairs if you need me”
“Ok” I said and when he left I locked the door and went to the stereo and turned it on and went to my bathroom. I punched the wall this time and felt the pain. I don’t know why but I just wanted to punch anything. I called my friend Nick.

“Hey nick can I buy something off of you” I asked
“Yea what”
“Um mainly pot and some cocaine is that ok” I asked
“Yea how much” he asked
“Um well I want a quarter of pot and a dime of cocaine the good kind” I said
“Ok I have that it will be expensive though” he said
“I got the money don’t worry” I said
“Ok meet me at the park by your old house” he said
“Ok I’ll be there in 20 minutes” and I hung up. He doesn’t know I moved in with the Ways I moved one other time and that was 2 years ago. Still the same town though. I grabbed a sweater and ran out of my room.