I'm Melting In Your Eyes

After School

Then the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to Starr and went to my next class which was world history. I had my friend Cam in this class and since the teacher didn’t show up we got to do whatever we wanted. Cam and I talked while I doodled.

“So what you do yesterday” Cam asked
“Oh I hung out at my house with my friend Frankie and Carli came over for a while” I said
“Frankie… who’s he”
“He’s my friend and he hangs with Gerard”
“I don’t know those people” he said
“Oh there kinda emo looking people there really nice”
“Oh that’s why I don’t know them”
“Yea so what you do?”
“Hung out with my girlfriend at the mall it was so much fun”
“Oh I bet a guy at the mall with his girlfriend shopping for clothes. I gotta say that’s a funny site to see you at a mall. You seem so lost”
“I usually am lost I don’t go to malls often like girls do”
I laughed and started backing my things up cause class was almost over. We had 2 periods left and lunch. The bell rang and I said goodbye to Cam and went to my science class which had Frankie in it. I sat down and pulled out my notebook that I was drawing in and finished my picture and then pulled out another notebook and started writing in it when the bell rang again and Frankie ran in. Late again he can’t be on time for this class can he.
“Hey Nat”
“Hey Frankie can’t you ever be on time”
“Nope not possible”
I laughed quietly as the teacher put some notes on the board. I quickly wrote the down and then started writing again when I was interrupted by a note that was past to me. It was from Frankie

watcha writing
a story I like writing
well do you think you will be able to pull yourself away from your writing to go to lunch with me in 20 minutes
yea I think I can do that
good and do you want to come to Rays house for band practice
yea definitely
good and by the way did I tell you today that you look hot
no you told me I looked great
well I meant hot
k well I’m gonna put my notebook away and we can go to lunch
ok sounds good

Frankie is so weird I love him for it. So we went to lunch and we ate and we talked about what I was going to do after they practiced I told him
“I will go home and on my way grab a random guy and fuck him at my house and make sure my mom walks in on us.” I said joking around
“Ok but I got a better idea why don’t you take me or Mikey or Gerard and fuck us” he said joking around
“Oh I’ll so take Mikey he’s so adorable and my mom doesn’t know him so that’s good” I said laughing a bit
“Yea your right she knows me and where I live” he said
Finally lunch was over and we went back to science class. The teacher was late and then she told us we had a project that would be due in a couple of weeks so we had to get started on it right away. the project is to pick a type of scientific question and try and solve it. We could either do it alone or with a partner. Me and Frankie partnered up and we started naming questions that are interesting. We came up with why do people crave sex. And does Bigfoot really exist, and do aliens exist and can we live off of no sex or do we need it. Frankie came up with the sex questions and I came up with the Bigfoot and alien questions. We decided to do why do people crave sex. I was surprised when the teacher okayed it. Frankie was really excited and I really didn’t understand why. The bell rang and I said bye to Frankie and went to gym class where Carli and Talisha and Jalon were in. We played volleyball today and it was fun cause this girl named Scarlet went to spike the ball and she totally missed and hit the net and it fell and her and Brannon the guy standing next to the net went with it. We all started laughing and finally gym class was over. I went to my locker to grab my jacket that I left in there and then went to my car where Frankie, Ray and Mikey and Gerard were standing there waiting for me.

“Hey guys what’s up” I said unlocking my door and getting in and unlocking the rest of the doors.
“Not much just wanted to make sure you were coming to practice and if you would drive us to Rays” Frankie said
“Well of coarse get in” I said laughing at how stupid he was acting then I thought about what Frankie and I were talking about earlier and I decided to play a trick on Frankie. I just had to wait till they were done practicing. I pulled in front of Rays house and we all got out and went to the garage. While they practiced I was doodling again I drew the guys practicing. Finally when they were done I told them they were good and after that I walked over to Mikey.
“Hey Mikey you wanna hang out” I whispered
“Yea sounds good to me” he whispered back to me
“Ok but you have to play along ok”
“Ok” he said
Then I walked away back to my stuff and then turned to face the guys.

“Ok I’m gonna go home now”
“Why” Ray asked
“Cause I want to”
“Ok well bye” Said Gerard
“Mikey I wanted to know if you actually wanted to hang out. So I could get to know you a little bit more”
“Oh well then I’ll defiantly come with you” he said walking towards me
“Ok well I’ll drop him off later tonight” I said and grabbed Mikey’s hand and we both left and when we got in my car we started laughing. We went to my house. When I got out of the car I realized there was a black car out side my house with 3 people in it. I knew who it was it was Frankie, Gerard and Ray. When we got in my house I locked the door and went to my room I left the door open and I had Mikey wait in one of the guest bedrooms and I had my windows opened so I put some shit that my cousin gave me for when I did decide to have sex. Then I shut the windows and the blinds. I called Mikey to come in and he was shocked at what I did. He sat on my bed and I started laughing cause he thought I really wanted to have sex so I grabbed all the stuff and put it away.

“Ok Frankie thinks were having sex”
“What why?” Mikey asked
“Cause I was joking about after practice I was gonna fuck a random guy and make sure my mom walked in on us”
“And how did I get involved in this”
“Cause Frankie suggested you or him or Gerard but she knows Frankie and Gerard she doesn’t know you though.”
“Wait so are we gonna have sex”
“No if they ask we had sex and tonight I’ll kiss you when I drop you off so its more convincing.” I said
“Ok then what are we gonna do” he asked
“We’ll hang out of coarse” I said walking over to the closet and grabbing the chair I had in there and grabbed a bottle of vodka and walked back out.
“We’ll also drink a bit” I said smiling
“Sounds good to me” Mikey said and grabbed the bottle from me.
“K I’m gonna call my mom really quick ok”
“Ok” mikey said and took a sip of vodka