Status: Hopefully the updates are worth the wait<3

I'm breaking all the rules

What do we talk about today?

"Knock it off Connor I have the camera on!"

"Wow you make that sound dirty." Connor's husky voice rang out from the hallway as I started filming.

"Hey you, yeah you." Ieaning foward I smiled a bit, "I have a secret, and only you can know...even though some other people will be watching this video, that's beside the point."
I leaned back and began to spill everything for everyone to hear. What's the secret you ask? I'm declaring war on none other than Mitchell Davis.

"You see we're tied, and I just can't be in that type of situation. So I'm going to have a contest. Whoever recommends the most people to subscribe to me will win a video from me to them."

"Pfft No one wants that!" Connor's shaggy head popped into my room as I flipped him off and continued on rambling about stupid things that no one wants to hear. Which is what I think but apparently I'm hilarious for reasons unknown to myself.

"So Mitchell if your watching this, and I know you are, watch out, hand over the Kanye glasses, and declare me the winner." After I thought the camera was shut off I started talking to Connor but my recorder was still on making me look like a complete idiot.
"Here comes the logo, ohhhh it's shiny!"

"Is that necessary?"

"Is it necessary for a koala to climb trees?" I threw my hands up then shut the recording off, did some editing and uploaded it to the tube.

I turned to face Connor who was sitting on my bed screwing with my ipod in his callosed hands.

"What now?"


"You driving?"

"....I guess."

"Let's hit it!" Connor jumped up and headed strait for the door, and when I say strait for the door I mean the fact that he ran strait into the door. Sometimes I worry about my friend's. Turning off the light I watched the number on my inbox switch from 0 to 1 and I knew the war had begun.

.....Holy shnizzle I rhymed!
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Ok, I know it's not all the great but i'll take more time on the next one.
If you like you know the drill, comment and subscribe.
