Status: Hopefully the updates are worth the wait<3

I'm breaking all the rules

Need to know basis

"Hey there, It's Emma Radely, and guess what? Due to a massive amount of you posting my videos and getting me more subscribers I'm so close to beating Mitchell Davis. Which means I'm the best Kanye and...Connor what the hell are you doing?" I turned around to find Connor dressing up in my clothes and dancing to the music I had on.

"'s not on a need to know basis." He just looked around like a little kid who had just been caught sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar.

"I believe I have a right to know if my best friend is leading a double life being a transy," Leaning back towards the camera I whispered, "if your a transy i'm really sorry about that comment." I went back to Connor who all the while was steadily removing clothes.

"What are you doing?!" I screeched as he got down to his pants making me shield my eyes.

"I'm taking my clothes off?" Connor questioned this slowly as my camera began to beep, a noise that neither of us in the year we had been making videos had ever heard.

"What is that?"

"I think it's your camera."

"It's too loud to be my camera!"

"Em, I think it's your camera...maybe it's sick."

"Camera's get sick?! Do I take it to a doctor?"

"I don't know, it's starting to sound like a bomb. If my brain is right, that's not good." I just threw a deadly look at him as I ran toward the camera and began to press buttons.

"Oh, it's low on memory, and now we'll just-"

"Logo!" Connor screamed as the video/recording finaly ended.

"Well that was rather nifty..." Once again I edited and uploaded then sent Connor on his way all the while listening to his desperate pleas to at least stay for dinner.

"Not happening, you ruined my video." I smirked and began closing my door as he threw his whole body into stopping it.

"I did no such thing! I gave it more character!" He protested, finally giving up and let my door close as he headed off to his car.

When I got back to my room the screen of my computer was flashing a message at me, pretty much throwing a hiss fit at me, so like a good person I exed out of the box and noticed another message pop up. This one stated I still had one inbox that I hadn't read and it was going to get deleted if I didn't open it. This, I must admit, got me a bit curious. Slowly i dragged my mouse to the link and clicked, bringing up a new page and a video.

"Hey, it's me. Mitchell Davis, it's nice to meet you...even though I haven't really met you. Anyway when you get this just drop me a message, you seem pretty cool, not that I would know that either. God I sound stupid....would you wanna skype with me sometime?...And that just sounds dirty, look I'm not even editing this, and I'm trying to make it quick. Just message me back? Or no, you don't have to..."

His lack of confidence I found utterlyadorable hilarious. Quickly without thinking I sent him a message containing only this:

You, me, skyping, 10 minutes.

If only I had known what I was getting myself into at the time.

♠ ♠ ♠
There you go, I better get some loving for this!
