Status: Hopefully the updates are worth the wait<3

I'm breaking all the rules

Growing stains

My hands shook as I accepted his skype invitation with a single click of the mouse.

"Well hey there!" His face suddenly appeared on my screen, he looked almost as nervous as I was. Reaching foward I moved my camera so you couldn't see the massive stain on my v-neck that had seemed to grow larger in the last ten minutes.
"Can you hear me? Is my mic working? Shit-"

"Mitchell what do you want for dinner?"

"Grandma I'm a bit busy right now!"

"Well what are you doing in there?"

"Nothing Grandma, I'll be out in a bit!" Slowly but surely he began to turn red as the embaressment set in, it probably didn't help that I was laughing. "Well at least I know the mic is working." Mitchell chuckled quietly shaking his head as I stifled my laughter.

"Hey." Smiling I did a little wave suddenly feeling very insecure, maybe I should have worn somethingcuter cleaner.

"Hey." He just smiled back and leaned closer to the screen, trying to get comfy.

"So? How's life?" I was slowly coming to the realization that maybe this was going to be increadibly awkward.

"Well, it sucks, I'm being beat in a youtube contest by a girl!" He made a face then wiggled his eyebrows at me causing me to giggle. Wait, I just giggled? What the hell?!
"But it's not all bad, the girl seems pretty cool I guess."

"You guess?" My eyebrows shot up and I tried as hard as I could to keep a strait face.

"Oh I'm sorry, I said that wrong! She's pretty lame and makes horrible jokes, but her friend seems awesome enough!"

"Now that just hurts." Pouting I started rolling away from the camera and out of the shot.

"No! Wait! Come back!" Leaning back in to see the screen I saw him on his knee's fake crying.

At the sound of clearing my throat he shot up and hugged the camera.
"Sorry, I made that awkward. It's just I never know whether to shake hands or hug..." Trailing off he shrugged and our conversation went from awkward to increadibly comfortable.

"Oh my god! It just drives me nuts the way he eats pickles!" Mitchell did an improv of Kyle eating a pickle that had me in a fit of laughter to the point I fell out of my chair, this of course was completely not planned. "Em? Where'd you go? It was the impersonation wasn't it? Just wait till you see the real thing!"

"I'm fine!" Popping my head up I tried to play cool. The key word here is tried as I smoothed out my hair and looked at the clock. We'd been talking for over 3 hours now making it close to midnight.

"Did you just...?"

"Not at all."

"But I saw you."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"...I'm lost."

"I'll buy you a map."

"I don't want a map!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I want something else."

"What's that?"

"It's cheesy, I think we better switch subjects! What's your opinion on the eating of frog legs?"

"No! What's cheesy?" I whined, sticking my bottom lip out as the clock ticked away, seconds changing to minutes though they seemingly had no effect on me.

"You'll laugh!" He threw his hands in the air and sank in the chair making it so that i could barely see his nose.

"I promise I won't. Please, If you tell me I'll make you a video! Oooooh, that sounds nifty doesn't it?"

"You're aware you just sounded like a complete nerd right?"

"Just tell me, or I'll leave!"

"Fine!" Sighing heavily he sat back up in the chair letting me note the fact that he was wearing ultra tight pants. "So I wanttotalktoyoumorebecauseIthinkyouareincreadiblyawesomeandamazingandbeautifulandcanItakeapicturewhileIhaveyouhere?"


"Yeah?"Once again he had sunkdown only thistime so I could barely see the glare off his glasses.

"Slow down." I smirked, pulling my knee's to my chest and shifting in my seat to get comfortable.

"Ok, first, Can we talk more?"

"Of course! I don't know how I went this long without talking to you!" This made him sit up slightly more so I could make out that his face was beat red as he began to lean towards the screen.

"And can I take a picture? I mean, while I have you here?"

"Can I have your number?" came out of my mouth before my brain even connected to what he had said.

"Yeah...Of course you can, do you have a pen or something?"

So with that I took a picture and sent it to his phone, nothing inapropriate mind you! Just a picture that included him in the background on my computer screen. Barely 5 minutes later we were saying goodnight, as I climbed into bed my phone buzzed once for a text message.

Night Em, sleep tight don't let Kyle bite.
xo Mitchell

Smiling I closed my eyes and turned on my side, finally feeling my brain shut down.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this will probably be the last update for shizz before I leave
Hope you guys liked it! It was fun to write, so leave me some love on the comments page to encourage me to write more chapters, unless you want this growing love to stop immeadiatly :p
